My Hatred For You Has Never Lasted For Five Minutes.

After his conversation with Zhang Chun, Fu Mingze came back to the beach and saw her waiting for him, diligently building a sand castle. He laughed softly when she tried to remove her hair from her face but ended up leaving some sand on her nose. With his hand in his pocket, Fu Mingze walked toward her and said "Your castle looks like a haunted house."

Yang Meiyi raised her head when she heard his voice and smiled. He came back to her!

As if hearing her thought, he squatted down to her level and gently cleaned the sand from her nose saying "I will always come back to you."

"Where did you go?"

"To meet someone who made me realize what an idiot I have been."

"But you are not an idiot. You are the smartest person know." Yang Meiyi said with a smile.

Fu Mingze looked at her smile and wondered how she was still able to smile at him after abandoning her. "Don't you hate me?"