It's Either Me Or Her.

Fu Residence.

"I thought you wouldn't come, you have been quite fond of making excuses lately." Grandpa Fu said with a frown.

Fu Mingze sighed as he sat beside his grandfather at the dining table and replied "I've just been busy Grandpa."

The old man looked at his grandson's tired face and felt his heart soften, he cleared his throat and said "Ye Qingyi would like to apologize for her behavior at the company but I told her not to. She will be your wife soon so it's only proper if she gets rid of any threat."

"Ye Qingyi won't be my wife."

"Then you will remain a bachelor for the rest of your life because there is no way I am allowing that girl back into your life."

"She had her reasons."

"Which I'm sure she has convinced you with. You have always been a smart man but it's as if you lose your senses when it comes to that woman. She has hurt you before and she will do it again."