Benefits Of Being Your Wife.

Jiachen Estate

Yang Meiyi knocked softly on the door to Fu Mingze's study and came in. She stood silently when she saw that he was on a video call and waited till it ended before she walked forward and placed a file on his desk.

Fu Mingze looked at the file placed on his desk and then at his wife "What is this?"

Yang Meiyi took a seat at the opposite chair and said "Read it. That file contains all the reasons why Fu Group should invest in Sang Resort."

Fu Mingze smiled as he opened the files and read through them. Within two minutes he was done, he returned the file to Yang Meiyi and said "If we were trying to do things professionally then you wouldn't have been able to show me this without making an appointment."

"I guess I am enjoying one of the benefits of being your wife."

Fu Mingze laughed softly and said, "The proposal is okay but...."

"But what?"