No Longer Allowed To Meet Her.

Yang Meiyi looked at the time as she lay on the bed and wondered where Fu Mingze had gone. It has already been two hours, why isn't he back yet?

Just when she thought of calling him, the door to the room opened and Yang Meiyi quickly closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep. She felt as he laid down beside her and wrapped his hand around her saying "I love you."

Yang Meiyi opened her eyes and turned to him asking "Are you mad at me?"

Fu Mingze shook his head as he said "Definitely not at you. I'm mad at myself for trying to take what you wanted most and that is a child of your own."

"If I had known of your fears then I would never have lied about taking the pills, I just thought you didn't want to have a child with me."

"How could you think that?" Fu Mingze asked as he placed a hand on her belly saying "I have always wanted to start a family with you, Yang Meiyi."