
It's been two hours since the reopening event of the Sang resort started and Yang Meiyi could proudly say that it was going well.

Elite families were here and even the press came to write a favorable article about her resort, everything was going perfectly.

"Congrats on the opening of your resort." A familiar voice said behind her.

Yang Meiyi turned to see Nie Yujie and said "Thank you. I'm glad you came."

"No need for thanks, we are friends after all." Nie Yujie replied with a smile.

Yang Meiyi laughed and was about to say something when she saw Gu Zhen looking at them with a frown "Did you take my advice?"

Knowing what she was talking about, Nie Yujie sighed and said "I did but now I'm wondering if perhaps I took it too far, maybe I should never have given him an ultimatum.,"