More Drama Than Food

A month passed and with Fu Mingze's help, Yang Meiyi was able to save Sang Enterprise from bankruptcy and since she had no interest in running the company, she decided to hire a professional manager who would take care of the affairs of the company and thankfully Fu Mingze agreed with her decision.

Now they were supposed to have dinner with Grandpa Fu by 6 pm but even when the time was 4:30 pm, Yang Meiyi made no plans of getting up. She laid on the bed and kept muttering "I'm so tired."

Fu Mingze chuckles and asks "From what?" Though fully dressed, he lay beside her and kissed her forehead as he pulled her into his arms.

"From doing that pregnancy exercise. I am not doing any form of exercise again, it's so exhausting."

"Next time, should I come with you?"

"There won't be a next time. Mingze, will you still love me if I become fat?"