Her Actions Reminded Him Of Yang Jia

Fu Mingze brought Fu Liang to his office and gently sat him up on the couch, he wiped away his son's tears and asked "Are you planning to be an actor when you grow up? I can't believe you were able to cry real tears."

Hearing his father's words, Fu Liang immediately stopped crying and smiled sheepishly.

Fu Mingze laughed and found himself dragging his son's cheek "You naughty boy. Tell me how was school today?"

Fu Liang smiled and said, "My teacher praised me for being a smart boy." His smile faltered as he said, "If Mom was here she would have been so proud of me, right Dad?"

"You are right, she would have been. Knowing your mother, she would have taken you to your favorite place to celebrate. I miss her too Fu Liang, I miss her so much."

Fu Liang hugged his father and patted his back as a way of comforting him as he said "Fu Liang will take care of you."

Fu Mingze laughed and looked at his son who was smiling at him. "Are you hungry?"