Tao Luqi's Fiance.

Fu Mingze stood silently as he became unable to move his eyes away from the woman who looked exactly like his wife. It was as if time stood still for him.

Tao Luqi felt uncomfortable with the murmurs around her, she felt as if everyone was staring at her and Fu Liang's crying was not helping matters.

Fu Mingze could see how uncomfortable and confused she was and it was then he realized that this woman wasn't his Meiyi. If his Meiyi was alive then there was no way that she would have stayed away from her family for four years and besides, he saw her dead body with his own eyes, he held her burnt body in his arms.

His hands went to the blue necklace on his neck and Fu Mingze closed his eyes with a deep breath before opening it. He walked forward to the woman and said in a calm voice "I'm sorry for the inconvenience my son has caused you."