I Will Be Your Secret.

Gu Corporation

"Mrs Gu sent a huge amount of money to this account." Ji Lai said to his boss as he placed a paper containing an account number on Gu Zhen's desk.

"And who owns this account?" Gu Zhen asks with a frown.

Ji Lai brought out a picture from his suit jacket and placed it in front of Gu Zhen.

It was a picture of a man who wore a cap to cover his place. Gu Zhen looked at it and asked "So this is him?"

"Yes sir."

"What kind of instructions does my wife give to him?"

"Lately he has been following Miss Tao Luqi around."

"Tao Luqi? And who is that?"

"A young woman that bears a significant resemblance to the late Mrs Fu. She is the daughter of Tao Hui, the Chinese businessman who relocated to Country M not too long ago."

"Why did she pay someone to follow Tao Luqi around? Is it because she thinks Tao Luqi is Yang Meiyi? But that's absurd, we all saw Yang Meiyi's burnt body so there is no way she is alive."