How To Get Back.

Even though she was unable to open her eyes, Tao Luqi could hear Fu Mingze's voice as he told her that their children were safe.

Hearing Fu Mingze's voice was one of the things that brought joy but all of a sudden the voice stopped and there was only silence and darkness.

Was she dead? Is that why it's so quiet? Tao Luqi asked herself and suddenly saw herself in an abandoned warehouse. The warehouse was surrounded by fire and she could feel pain all around her body.

It's this dream again, she always wakes up before being burnt alive but she wonders if it will be different this time. Why does she always have this dream?

"I can't believe you are still sleeping by this time, you have only one hour to your exam."

Tao Luqi opened her eyes when she heard that voice, the voice sounded familiar but at the same time, it was not.

She looked at the owner of the voice in confusion and asked "What are you talking about?"