Tao Luqi.

Nie Yujie entered her apartment with a smile on her face but that smile disappeared when she saw Gu Zhen waiting for her.

"Why are you here?" She asked coldly.

"And here I was thinking that you destroying Yang Jia's face will make you happy." Gu Zhen said sarcastically.

Nie Yujie scoffed and replied, "It did make me happy but seeing you takes my happiness away."

Gu Zhen smiled sadly and asked"Are you satisfied? What more do you need to do to Yang Jia before I kill her?"

Nie Yujie frowned and asked, "Are you going to kill her?"

Gu Zhen shrugged and said "Anything for you." He walked closer to her and gently caressed her hair, before leaning down and brushing his lips to hers. Seeing no resistance from Nie Yujie, Gu Zhen kissed her fervently, he pulled apart and whispered "Let me pleasure you tonight, please baby."

"Yes." Nie Yujie moaned out as she felt his lips on her neck.