CH 21: My Love, My Heart

"SHOOT! SHOOT THOSE MONSTERS DOWN!!" The enforcers panicked as the wave of monstrosities rushed towards them. Not stopping, fazing, or even twitching as the bullets exploded in their faces. They simply kept moving like unstoppable machines.

"Uhh, boss?! What's happening?!" Sevika shouted, her eyes darting towards the monsters that were approaching them :"What should we do?!" Silco wasn't much calmer. But one look at his son's demonic smile, and he calmed down :"We wait. Don't worry, since Thilia has done this, he has absolute control over it. You've seen it for yourself."

Sevika found sense in his words, but the scene really did nothing to calm her nerves. Sure, she had seen Shimmer takers. But those were transformed humans while these were just monsters that looked like they had crawled out of the pits of hell itself. One look at that face with no eyes, no nose, no ears and no nothing, only a chainsaw for a mouth, and even she got shivers. Forget about the lackeys who had come with them.

Once they reached them, they all suddenly stopped. Didn't attack, didn't harm, didn't even move. They just stood in place, drool dropping from their mouths as they seemed to wait for further orders. The scene of buffed monsters standing or sticking to a wall and looking down was nothing settling either though.

Jinx :"Whoa... Thilia, did you do this?"

Slathilia :"Yup, they're all under my absolute control. You like it?"

Jinx :"I love it! This is so cool! You've got your own army of demons here! That's sick as hell!"

Slathilia, chuckling :"Not demons. I call them Symbiotic-Infected. Don't have time to explain though, we'll do that later. But I'm happy you like them. Since they are kinda like my children and all. No, not metaphorically. I'm saying that they're literally my children since they've been born through my Symbiote side."

Jinx :"Wait... what?! Seriously?! *Excited* D-does that... does that mean that I'm... I'm their mom?!"

Vi :"Wait, what?!"

Slathilia, smiling :"Technically, I guess."

Vi :"HUH?!!"

Jinx :"That's... that's... that's so awesome!!! Goddamn it, the situation isn't right! Otherwise, I would definitely go ahead and kiss and hug each and every one of my sweethearts!"

Slathilia, amused :"Alright, alright. Happy you're so excited. And don't worry, they're happy too. I can kinda see and sense that."

Jinx :"Aww, they are? That's sooo cute!"

Slathilia :"But that will have to wait for later. For now, we have things to do."

Vi :"Oy, stop ignoring me, assholes!"

Slathilia :"We're not. I was just about to talk to you."

Vi :"Good, because I've got a lot of things to talk about! What the hell is going on?! And what the fuck do you mean they're Powder's children?!"

Slathilia :"I said technically. Like a stepmom."

Vi :"Wha- that doesn't make it any better!"

Slathilia :"It doesn't? I mean, check out the number here for a second. And this isn't even all of them."

Vi :"Huh? Well, I guess if you put it like- wait, no! Stop avoiding the subject!"

Slathilia :"Alright then, sure. Have you decided yet?"

Vi :"Huh? I..."

Slathilia :"Well, I guess you're conflicted. And I may or may not understand. But don't worry, I'm planning on helping you choose."

Vi :"What...? Slathilia, what the hell are you planning...?"

A dark chuckle left Slathilia as he spread his arms. Had to look dramatically if he was playing the villain, after all. Everybody likes a dramatic villain. Especially an overdramatic one. (A/N: Fr. Who doesn't like villains like Seto Kaiba?)

Slathilia :"I'm planning on doing what I've wanted to do for a very, very long time. You know, Silco is right about something. For the Undercity to become independent, Piltover has to be afraid. Not even afraid, but just know that we will bite if we're touched. That we're not some puppies they can just toss and kick around when they feel like it. Humans aren't merciful beings. As long as we back off, they'll simply step forward to take that place. To push their luck.

No matter how much we avoid conflict with them, they will simply push us even more. It's why the Undercity is in this situation. So for that, we must show them that if they kick us, we retaliate. That was Silco's plan. To make Piltover afraid, so that they'll keep themselves in check. But I took that plan further. Mine isn't much different, but it's a lot more intense."

As he finished, his calm face stretched into a demonic, cruel and evil smile :"Why be careful of Piltover, when Piltover doesn't even exist anymore? Hahaha and so, I planned for it! Planned for the big event! The Feast is what I called it! You know why? Because tonight, all of my children, all of my Symbiotic-Infected, will simply eat, eat and EAT!!"

His roar of laughter sounded throughout the place, and the screeches of his Symbiotic children joined his voice. Vi, Caitlyn and the enforcers backed off shakily, horrified by what they were hearing as Slathilia sighed in satisfaction. Smiling gently, he looked at his children as he pointed at the enforcers :"Now, my darlings, why don't you treat yourselves for some appetizers first, hm?"

And no words needed to be said. The Symbiotic-Infected smiled evilly at the humans, before the closest ones to the enforcers immediately pounced on them. Cried of pain and for mercy immediately echoed, along with the sounds of flesh tearing and bones breaking. Marcus was the only one who was left untouched. For now at least.





"Huh, sing louder, my children find it a beautiful music." He smiled, before stepping towards Jinx and gently hugging her waist :"So, how is it? Is it still awesome? Are they still cute?"

Jinx :"They're freaking adorable! Look how excited they are enjoying their meals!"

Slathilia, chuckling :"You're one hell of a wild one, babe. Hey, I have a little gift for you."

Jinx :"Oooh, I love gifts! But are you going to give it to me here though?"

Slathilia :"Yup, because this is the best situation for it."

Jinx :"Oooh, then it must be one hell of a gift. What is it?"

Slathilia :"Remember how I said I can give parts of myself, my own biomass, to other people? Like how I've put parts of my own biomass in Sevika's arm?"

Jinx :"Uh, yeah. I remember. Even though it's not something I appreciate since it's Sevika and you refuse to give me too- *gasp* a-are you... are you planning to-"

Slathilia, smiling :"And remember what I said about it? About how the more important it is to my body, the stronger it is when separated from me? Like how Sevika only has a bit of my blood, so it's not much?"

Jinx, smiling excitedly and nodding rapidly :"Yeah! Yeah!"

Slathilia :"So, if I'm planning on giving you a part of me, it can't be just something ordinary though, right? It has to be something special."

Jinx was about to swoon. She had begged Slathilia in the past for it. Bothered and asked him for days for it. Was willing to do anything for it. Yet he never gave her some of his biomass. She didn't need it, she just wanted to have it. And because of his refusal, she would always think it was because he didn't love her. Mylo and Claggor didn't help much with how they used it against her. So now that she was finally about to be gifted some of his biomass, she was about to fly from excitement.

But before she could say anything, Slathilia suddenly kissed her. Not a gentle one. Not a lustful one. But a rough kiss that seemed to want to force his love into her. She didn't have much time to be shocked about the sudden action though. Because just as he kissed her, his claws suddenly plunged right into his own chest.

Causing his crimson blood to fall and the sound of his bones breaking echo around as everybody stared in shock at the sudden turn of events. But nobody got the chance to intervene, not even Jinx. Because his claws grabbed onto his beating heart, and suddenly pulled it right out. However, he didn't even flinch. Ripping his own heart out didn't seem to have hurt him at all.

His heart, still connected to his arteries and veins and still beating in his hand, wasn't a normal heart at all. Half of it was surrounded by black and red biomass that stretched to his veins as well, with the ends on the heart actually having fangs. As he held it up, he broke the kiss, smiling at the shocked Jinx :"So what could be more special than my own heart for my beloved, Jinx?"

Jinx stared in shock, eyes filled with surprise fixated on the beating heart. It seemed to have a hypnotizing rhythm to her. "T-this is for me?" He hummed, smiling gently :"Of course. So? Do you accept it? My symbol of love, and the change it will bring? A little warning though. Although your appearance won't change in the slightest, you will still change a bit-"

But before he could finish, Jinx's lips crashed against his harshly. Seeming to be giving her answer as she kissed him roughly. Chuckling against her lips, he kissed back as he moved his heart to her chest.

"No, wait-" Vi tried to interfere. She didn't know what was happening, but she didn't want something to happen to her sister. She didn't know if Jinx would turn out like one of the monsters around them or not. And quite frankly, she didn't want to take the risk. But she couldn't interfere.

The two Symbiotic-Infected that held her back made her unable to do so. She could only watch with wide eyes as Slathilia put his heart on her chest, right against her heart. The moment it made contact, it immediately started to expand and spread against her, enveloping her rapidly as their lips moved against each other roughly.

As the biomass of his heart moved up her neck, up her cheeks, down her limbs, down to her fingers, and even into her hair, his own biomass started to envelope his body. As they continued kissing, his body began to expand and grow larger at an unbelievable speed. When his biomass had completely covered him from head to toe, and Jinx was completely enveloped by the foreign biomass, he had transformed into an even more dangerous and scary looking monster than the ones around.

His hair, seeming to be just floating liquid behind him, moved like gentle waves as did his lips. The size difference wouldn't let them kiss easily with him being around 8 feet though, so he just picked her up and kept on kissing her.

The biomass covering Jinx didn't stay there for even a moment. The moment it enveloped her fully, even her hair, it started to sink into her flesh. But she wasn't uncomfortable at all. It was a pleasing feeling as her eyes shone pink and she felt an unbelievable strength in every inch of her body. It was like even her atoms had been supercharged.

As they broke the kiss gently, letting a string of saliva connect them, Jinx stood in Slathilia's arms. Still looking the exact same way as before, as if she hadn't just acquired the power to fold even the strongest of the Symbiotic-Infected. The only change was her eyes, which had changed from blue to a beautiful pink.

There was a lust blown look in her beautiful eyes as she licked her wet lips, looking at Slathilia with amusement :"So this is your Symbiote form? What their dad looks like." Causing him to chuckle at her nonchalance. As if she hadn't simply been reborn just now. "Yeah, that's right. So? How do you feel?"

"Amazing." She whispered, biting her lip :"Enough to make me want to try and see if I can top you once. See if I can make you submissive instead~." She whispered into his ear, causing him to throw his head back and laugh loudly into the air.

"Man, you never change. You're always a weirdo." He rasped in his deep voice, smiling fondly, even though it didn't look anything like it :"My weirdo. And that's why I love you." Causing her to blush as she hugged him.

"But for now, we have shit to do." He mused, putting her back down and making her pout :"For now, we've got an invasion to finish. A Symbiotic-Infected invasion."