Laying the Foundations-2

"How about we set up a 'Guild' in every district?"

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

"Well, since the things has finally started moving, now our focus has shifted from getting independence to creating employment. And as the construction and other stuff will start, there will be always wastage of time and money to find contractors, and it would just depend on the administrator's connections and the lowest cost, not reliability. So we can create a ranking system.

And we have so many places to develop as tourist destinations. Bodhgaya, Banaras, hill stations, palaces,... It will allow the tourists to easily get a guide who can be trusted. Plus, it will be a place for the people engaging in odd jobs to come in one place. It will make things easier for them and their customers, both.

Of course, there will be chances of corruption, so we will leave the rankings to the general populance who will take their services.

But I think we should start from only 2-3 districts first and see how it goes. Kolkata, Mumbai and Banaras. Afterall, they are going to be some of the fastest growing cities."

"Hmm, that does sound interesting."

"Doesn't it?"

I never understood why no one tried to apply this famous isekai system in our world. Want to find a carpenter? Go to the guild. Want to find a painter? Go to the guild. Want to find a maid? Go to the guild.

"As for its sustainability, let's allow ads there. Don't let anyone stick anything to the walls without paying. And definitely not let tantrik and all."

I don't want those stickers everywhere. And that Japanese Oil written on every wall.

Wait a minute...

Isn't railways always in loss, wasting huge chunk of government money? Why do we read about Japanese oil on walls from the train windows in every journey? They don't pay the railways for free advertising.

From what I know, Japan will already have bullet trains since 60s or 70s. While people may say that it isn't necessary, it absolutely is. For building soft power in the world, for creating interest of the people in good engineering and innovation, and a lot more indirect things beyond expensive tickets. If anything, we can build the trains to sell to other countries for bringing in more money.

But for all of that, we will need more initial funds. So, more ads. And less bureaucrats.

Hmm, I guess I found a good way to reduce the burden of the government in running expensive necessary government offices and companies.

"How is the integration of princely states going?"

"38 have already sent letters to ask for joining India since the announcement of Privy purses. Sardar ji has gone to convince the Nizam of Hyderabad, and Kurram ji has gone to convince Balochistan. It seems that Pakistan is going to attack Balochistan to forcefully occupy it soon, from what I have received news of the soldiers in their army we sneaked in."

"I see. I will have to talk to General Sujeet. And about Kashmir?"

"There hasn't been any movements as far as I know. Though the army officials will be able to provide better information."

I nodded, and patted Muhammad's back.

"You are doing a great job. Let's keep working for Mother India. Arrange a meeting of the current ministers and Congress in the Rashtrapati Bhavan tonight."

"Yes sir! Jai hind sir!"

I smiled.

"Jai Hind."