Changing times

As the year turned to 1948,the framing of the Indian constitution progressed smoothly. It was declared that the first national elections will be held by the year 1950,with a presidential-parliamentary mixed style election.

According to the Election Structure, the citizens will elect their MPs, MLAs and President at the same time. In that case, the Presidential candidates won't belong to any political party, and will be free to choose the ministers from the parliament. But 90% of all ministers should be from the majority winning political party.

Aside from that, some select cities like Chennai, Bengaluru, Vishakhapatnam, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Surat, Jaipur, Delhi, Banaras, Patna, Kolkata, Raipur, Indore, Guwahati and one island in Andaman and Nicobar are given special 'MegaCity' status to actively promote the economical growth, planning, to make sure that they don't face housing crisis, etc. under a MegaCity Union.

Bangalore and Hyderabad are chosen as the research and startup cities of India due to their weather conditions.

Patna is chosen as machine manufacturing hub because of proximity of minerals in Bihar, and proximity to Nalanda University which has started its rebuilding which will allow the designers to test their prototypes, like cars, bikes, etc.

Banaras and Andaman island are to be developed as great tourist spots.

Likewise, all the cities are to be developed according to their geography and culture, while all of them having atleast 4 stars in the City Planning System.

FDI has started flooding in these cities, where while establishing foreign companies is banned for 20 years that will take for India to catch up, they are allowed to exist without using their brand-name and establishing a 20-80 partnership with local companies, where they can atmost own 20%. This includes automobiles, aircrafts, finished clothes, radios, TVs, etc.

With new opportunities in a struggling French economy, it has 'un-recognised' Pakistan and has come on a negotiation table with India to transfer power of its colonies back to India.

In Pakistan, Jinnah has become bedridden, and the Muslim League has started fighting within itself for power struggle and trying to root out the spies it has within itself. Anit-Pakistan propaganda has also started spreading in Pakistan via radios, calling it a British puppet. It didn't help that Pakistan copied the MegaCity policy from India, and Britain has been the main investor.

Protests and demonstrations have been going on against the Muslim League after the accusation of exploiting Bengali hindus during the Bengal Starvation Genocide, but they are being crushed by the military.

Amidst all of that, a rumour has been spreading that Pakistan will be created on UK's land, and Churchil has promised Jinnah to take in all 'Pakistanis' by aircrafts and ships.

Amidst the instability, USA and majority of the countries haven't invested in Pakistan besides UK. It didn't help that the West Asian countries like Iran and Saudi couldn't support Pakistan as well 'openly' after the accusations and proofs against the members of the Muslim League.

And they are slowly tilting towards India as India's foreign ministry has issued an official statement advising the Europen Jews to not settle near Jerusalem due to concerns of a war breaking out, distrust towards UK, and has issued an advisory to take in one million skilled refugees, especially those who can train the general people of India to get the country running.

An advisory has been issued to useless and harmful human consumption material farmers, companies and the general populance of complete ban in the coming 5 years so that they can shift their jobs. This includes coke, opium, tobacco, indigo and other harmful and useless products for humans, soil and water.

Meanwhile, a land ownership clause is under discussion for having land reforms, and restrict people from owning large amounts of lands they have acquired due to the Zamindari system.

As PRC is being predicted to win the decades long Chinese Civil War with their recent achievements and growing support amongst the Chinese populance, USA has doubled down the economic aid to India, and has even given military aid in the form of arms as India has given the largest order to USSR for AK-47s after the PRC.

The Treaty of Friendship hasn't been signed yet by either USSR or USA, because it includes a clause of absolute non-interference in domestic issues and Indian Subcontinent, which also involves CIA and KGB to not being able to operate officially in the Indian Subcontinent as a whole.

It is also important to note that working for any foreign spying agencies is banned in India, punishable by 15 years of jail mining as the minimum punishment, and death as the maximum. Secret Protection Agency has been established by India, with an official stand of not operating outside of the Indian Subcontinent, with the main goal of maintaining stability within the region.

And while India hasn't taken military action against Portugal because it is under the protection of Nato, it has sanctioned Portugal for now.

Many muslim rulers of the princely states, majorly including Junagadh and Hyderabad has been simultaneously annexed as practice for Pakistan. No brutality against the citizens, using them to rise up against the rulers themselves over their brutality and forced conversions, and swiftly storming their castles to get them to sign the document of ascension. India has also accepted the ascension from Balochistan stand-in, and asked Pakistan to remove itself from Indian territory.

Over the years, the residing place of Muslim League leaders, military bases, and all have been mapped while Pakistan has been busy in internal power struggle and focussing on Kashmir arming radicals.

The only thing that is missing in removing Pakistan is it attacking first. It has already 'attacked' Balochistan, a part of India, and Kashmir's king has also signed the ascension document after fleeing to Delhi when the militants reached Sri Nagar. He could only get his castle and properties, but not getting Kashmir a special status for him to rule because India was adamant about it.

Now, Pakistan has not only invaded one part of India, but two. Giving the perfect reason for war.

Operation Bharat Bachao was immediately launched as India sent its army and airforce to Kashmir and Balochistan. And even before UK's warship may arrive, a third battalion will take the core of Pakistan, where the Muslim League and the Pakistani military generals reside.

"It was a good thing that we bought the British generals beforehand."

Satyankar muttered as he knew that having British people as Indian army generals isn't a safe thing to do. So they were given three options. First was to pack bags and leave to UK immediately. Second was to immediately start training Indian generals in the way of warfare, and retire by the end of 1958 with permanent citizenship and VIP status. And the last one was to remain the generals, betray India, and get hanged for being a traitor.

Almost 70% left, but 30% remained. Having less generals was better than having even one traitor. The soldiers were already experienced in the World War 1, and there were many capable soldiers who would be good enough to be leaders with the training of a year or two.

While the operation shouldn't be take more than 4-5 months, to complete reclaim Pakistan occupied parts of India, the problem will be the aftermath. Sikh separatists have stopped demanding for independent country after they were the worst victims of Pakistan and the promise that India will have a united Punjab state. But muslims are a different breed. Even in 20th century, the muslim society was mostly living in the mentality like 18th century Christians. While improving living conditions will reduce the extremism, they are easily triggered people even in the future.

The only way to eliminate the extremism is to educate each and every kid with the right kind of education. Not British style, not Madarsa style.

Satyankar sighed while thinking all that. While Bible and Quran are both bad for Hindus and every other religion, Christianity grew up to be majorly non-believers, while Islam makes small children to memorise its holy book literally, which effects the rational thinking ability.

Christianity and Islam have been the most violent at their core, and they are the main problem he has to deal with. Conversion needs to be stopped, and the current world powers are American Christians and oil rich muslims.

Hindu population will be around 70% at best, and he didn't remember the exact numbers. But that percentage shouldn't drop any further. Only when Hindus are in majority then India can remain stable.

The current headache was also the civil laws. The congress is hell bent on separate communal laws. Like, he wasn't against polygamy. Polygamy has always been around in the world, and banning it will cause problems in the tribal areas. But why the hell should different communities have different age of marriage and all? 18 for males, females and transgender, since 21 will be too old in this era when people are used to marry at 16, or in many cases, 6.

But there shouldn't be any reason for Waqf board, triple divorce, child marriage, forced conversation of spouse and all evil practices should be ignored just because of the second largest majority. Jains, Jews, Buddhists, Sikhs, Parsis, Christians don't complain, who are the real minority.

Sigh. Congress is too much of a scaredy cat. It is better to remove all those things at the same time when the country is already unstable and riots are happening, then to leave it for later and keep the riots happening even a century later.

"I just wish nothing will go wrong."