Pakistan Aftermath

*Sorry for the long unannounced break. I am having health issues, so...

Anyway, here's the chapter.


(12th January 1948)

(Indian Parliament)

After Pakistan's swift defeat due to spies within the Muslim League, Pakistani Army, and betrayal of the Vice Commander in favour of integrating the motherland, the aftermath was the biggest headache.

The war emergency was slowly being relaxed, but the riots were now all time high, demanding for Pakistan.

"First, I would like to address the done deal. No Pakistan will be allowed to form on Indian Subcontinent, much less India. If it forms once, our coming generations will suffer due to more riots than there are, and constant wars.

Pakistan is not a peaceful Muslim country's concept, it is an Anti-Indian, pro-genocide cult, which has sold itself to UK, and will sell itself again and again as long as it can hurt India.

What they did in Jammu and Kashmir just a month ago is the proof of it."

I addressed the parliament.

I could have used war emergency as a pretext to try to take full control of the country, but it would be met with a lot of backlash, both inside the country and outside.

"First of all, we have to stop the rioters. Every rioter will be treated as a murderer as they should. And I propose them to not be allowed to vote for 30 years. Along with them not being able to contest elections for life."

Elections will happen in some years. And the rioting people will vote for those who facilitate riots, like Pakistanis.

Nehru, representing the biggest opposition, INC, stood up.

"While I agree with what you are saying, should we really ignore the voices of the people? We are democracy, so we have to listen-"

"If 25% of your village jumps into a well, will you?"


"And why do they don't think that they can't live here? They aren't a minority. 25% isn't minority.

The minorities like Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, Jews, Sikhs, Christians... They aren't being persecuted, are they?

If someone is not happy with this land, go to Britain or something and form your Pakistan there. This is India. And until I am alive, until my whole party is alive, until every Indian is alive, we won't allow any Pakistan in India and the whole Indian Subcontinent.

I am saying this to all the people in the country. If you are Muslim, then good. Your rights won't be suppressed. You will get equal treatment as the Hindus. No matter the majority or minority, they will get same treatment. Same laws. Same education. Same voting rights. Same economic opportunities. Same.

But if you are a Pakistani, British Agent, causing riots, murdering people, genociding people using faith as an excuse, you will be punished according to the law. If anyone wants to NOT being an Indian, they are free to settle somewhere else, outside of the Indian Subcontinent.

Establish your Pakistan somewhere else. Not on Indian Land. No one will stop you from leaving the country.

And Nehru ji, don't you know that your weak mindedness to some percentage of violent people will cause the whole population suffering for generations?

Think about the children. Not grown landlords and British Agents who don't need to think about food, and just continue scamming and brainwashing our people."

The Parliament session continued after that, with discussions going on about what to do with the Muslim League leaders who were arrested, including a sick Jinnah.

In the end, it was decided to call exile them, and to contact UN to take them out of Asia, and a letter was sent to UK to accept refugees who don't want to remain in India.

After the war was over, with UK not being able to do anything as it only lasted 9 days, UK-India relationship was the worst it could be. Add to the fact that it was being asked to take in refugees because of the problem they created, and to return everything in their museums that is Indian.

While the world was busy on the issue with Pakistan, the Indian army which already had experience in Burma during the WW2 was moving in secret, along with influencing the Burma army to launch a coup on the British establishment. Since UK was now planning to control Burma now that Pakistan was lost.

And Ceylon, which the British recently provided freedom in a hurry, leaving in haste due to a possible clash with India, was now in the midst of forming its own country.

An invitation was sent to it become two states of India.

But not everything was positive for India.

The West Asian countries like Saudi Arabia and others imposed sanctions due to their support for Pakistan, and Iran was controlled by UK, with it still not getting freedom by USA at this point of time.

So, the future of Oil was getting scarier and scarier, since the rest of the oil was under USSR, or in countries influenced by it like Venezuela. So the response of the two giants in Cold War was certainly not going to be good, knowing that USSR will get its nuclear bomb a year later, officially offsetting the Cold War.

But for now, the consumption of oil was low. And coal was there for electricity.

And most importantly, the headache of Pakistan was gone. Education, along with economic development are the keys to weed out the extremist mentality.

The riots will calm down with time, as the police will take action.

Everything will turn out alright with time.


"Satyankar Ji! Gandhiji was assassinated!"