Permanent Solution

(24th January)

(Muhammad Khan's PoV)

After Gandhi's murder, violence erupted in almost all parts of India.

The murderer, Muhammad Khan gave his statement in the court, citing the reason for murder was, "Gandhi supported the Khilafat movement! But wouldn't support Pakistan!? We want our own country! Why didn't he go on a fast to get Pakistan its deserved funds? Gandhi has betrayed the Muslims. Muhammad Khan¹ is not a Muslim! He is a fake, and we don't need his reforms!

Pakistan Zindabad! Pakistan Zindabad! Pakistan Zindabad!"

It has been a day since the murder took place, and containing the riots has been difficult. Police themselves are taking part in it in many places, so maintaining public order has been difficult.

Seeing the harsh conditions, Nepal and Sri Lanka has denied any possibility of ascension into the Indian Union.

The War Emergency just ended some days ago, but now, a National Emergency has been established. But things aren't calming down. If this keeps on going, it wouldn't take long until a Civil War starts. Afterall, even the Army is getting divided.

"Muhammad, do you have any ideas?"

Satyankar asked him, the Home Minister and the president of BJS².

Muhammad was an orphan in Satyankar's neighbourhood, who was adopted by him. Well, legally. A 18 year old can't adopt another 18 year old, so he became more of a brother from being a friend. Before being an orphan, he had a very orthodox muslim family. But after being adopted, his world-view changed, and he decided to bring reforms to the Muslim world which has been long overdue.

He had been majorly successful in Bengal despite the various assassination attempts on his life, coining the name 'Moasir Muslim', meaning Modern Muslims, as a sect much like Shia and Sunni, but unlike them, it is open-minded, modern, and has zero discrimination, atleast to his thinking. It can be reformed more easily by the coming generations as well, since they will find some of the rules he set up as oppressive.

Now that he held the position of Home Minister, the second most important position right now, he expected that he would be instrumental in strengthening the unity of the country, reforming his religion, and removing all the crap that Muslim League and British left behind.

But now the situation wasn't really looking positive. One more wrong move would mean a Civil War.

Taking away Pakistan from the physical world doesn't mean that it has disappeared from the retarded who are plague to everyone.

"Satyankar Ji, I have an idea. But it will take a lot of lives."

"...But less than a Civil War, right?"

Muhammed nodded, and shared the plan he came up with a few years ago, just in case.

"You know that I started a sect, right?"

"Indian Muslims, right?"

"Yes. We have the most Muslim population in the world. We deserve to break out of sects whose rules weren't made for us."

"You are right. But what does this have to do with anything right now? Hindus+other religions and Muslims are killing each other, no matter the sect, caste or beliefs."

"You are right. And even I admit that Muslims started it. Islam is too much alike Christianity, and even I know that both religions have committed the most atrocities in history. But Christianity went through reforms, the powers of Church got reduced, and it is much better right now, atleast in Europe. It is as bad as it was centuries ago in Africa and many parts of India.

But Islam? It never went through reforms. Its principle itself is non-reform. But, what if we did something that those belonging to Indian Muslim sect wouldn't have to go through the riots?"

"... Muhammad, I don't think I am going to like where you are taking the conversation."

"But what option do we have? Demands for Pakistan will keep on happening. Even if we somehow calm down the situation right now, situation like these will keep on happening."

"Shouldn't it lessen and lessen generation-wise-"

"A hundred generations have passed, has 'every person not being a Muslim should be converted or killed' gone away? There can be a million moderates, but one extremist is enough to destroy a country. I am a Muslim. I know more about this than you."

"...Then tell me your idea."

"We already have control over the media since it is emergency. All foreign media are banned. CIA and KGB are more focused on Chinese Civil War and Korea. We have to spread propaganda that 'Muhammad S. Ansari was Moasir Muslim sect hater. And that Muslims are rioting and killing the Moasir Muslims and forcing them to convert out of it to their sect-"

"Muhammad. Do we need more infighting right now? As if this isn't enough-"

"Yes. We need this desperately. We need to protect Moasir Muslims, and let other sects be converted into it. Moasir Muslims will be protected by Hindus as well. You know why riots in Bengal are only happening in some villages, and why is it majorly uneffected? I have spent years developing the sect. It not only has the support of people who don't want their children to die in riots and be murders, but Hindus as well. They demand for the Ram Mandir and several important things that 'primitive muslims' destroyed to be built back.

We need Moasir muslims to be the country's 25%, not the primitive ones who don't thing destroying people's place of worship, looting them, killing them if they don't convert, taking women as slaves, marrying kids is okay just because people in Arabia did it centuries ago.

If a lot of Muslims are going to die anyway, those retards should be the one, since they are the ones that want Pakistan anyway. They will get their Pakistan once they die. The 72 women to please them will be 100 year old grandmas-"

"Muhammad. It seems that you have developed anger issues."

"Ah. Sorry about that. I am just so done with this 'religious' bullshit! Why can't the people be more understanding, that killing people isn't the right thing to do? They always aim for the head..."

Satyankar put his hand on my shoulder, acknowledging my frustration.

"Don't worry. This will be a permanent solution. If even 20% of the 25% Muslim population converts to the Moasir sect, no. Even 15% will be enough. If blood is flowing already, it should be of those who oppose reforms. We are going to live in a modern world. All should follow the same laws of the country. No primitive Sharia.

I will handle the situation inside the country. You handle international relations. You can basically forget getting oil from West Asia. I doubt they will ever accept a new sect emerging."

"...Fine. It's not like they have been friendly anyway. Maybe UAE that will form in future give us oil, but it looks like we will have to South America and Africa. We can't get a large amount of oil from USSR right now. We aren't Europe, so US won't be kind to us."

"Don't worry. I will take care of it. Though I wouldn't be able to put records-"

"Don't. We don't want the world knowing that the government is involved. Take extra care to keep this all a secret."

"I will. Anyway, Kava² is your favourite character, isn't he?"

"Huh? How did you know?"

"...Thought so."


Author's Note

*This chapter is from the PoV of a man in the year 1948, who is the founder of a sect. His views doesn't reflect the author.

I don't want any death threats, and I like to keep me head. If anyone is offended, just don't read. No need to investigate anything.


1- Muhammad Khan: Muhammad Khan is the murderer. Don't confuse him with Muhammed S. Ansari, who is the Home Minister.

2- Kava: Itachi™'s counterpart in 'Sambhar'