Asian Union

(27th July)

While the Israel-Arab War was two months into effect, Portugal couldn't do anything about Goa, and had to let go of it because their warships couldn't have reached there in such a short amount of time, given that Suez Canal was unusable due to the war.

Moreover, without the support of a powerful country like USA right now, they couldn't do much to retaliate anyway. Though, it still hasn't recognised Goa as a part of India, and still consider it its territory.


Anyway, yesterday, India officially recognised Indonesia(which was colonised by Netherlands), along with many countries who have been colonised by Britain, or are in the midst of freedom struggle, as Independent countries.

The president of Indonesia, Sukarno will be arriving in India on the Freedom Day celebration on 15th August, along with heads of various countries like Burma, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Sri Lanka, Japan, and vice-leaders of USA, France and USSR.

In Kolkata, Asian Union headquarters has finished its construction. Letters have been sent to the Asian countries, inviting them to join the Asian Union.

It has certain conditions to join though.

1. First of all, the country must be Asian, obviously. This means that countries which are occupied by other countries, like Britain, France, etc. can't join it.

2. The members can't be under military dictatorship, or military puppet rule. If the country goes through a coup and military takes control, it will lose its membership, even if it is a permanent member.

3. Member countries can't go on armed conflict against each other.

4. The main goal is socio-economic development, combating extremism, colonialism, and peace in the continent.

5. There will be 4 initial Permanent Members. They will decide which country can join. They will have veto power regarding the decisions, but not in case of border issues.

6. Border issues can be discussed by the countries in question, they can choose a mediator too. But neither the mediator, nor the Permanent Members have any power over the border issues.

7. India, Indonesia, China, and Japan will be the initial Permanent members, but there will be a total capacity of 7 permanent members.

While it wasn't a military or economic union, and being a permanent member didn't necessarily mean much power right now, there were two clauses in the membership that would make it appealing to join.

Firstly, decreasing the chance of military coup. Since most of the countries obtained freedom not too long ago, every country was afraid of a military coup. But joining this organisation meant that the moment military takes control, they will lose their say in asian politics.

And the second thing was no armed conflict amongst the member countries. It was basically an insurance that they won't be attacked by any of the member countries.

Well, some countries may not care about getting kicked out of the union and attacking another country anyway, but something is better than nothing.

This was especially ideal for small countries like Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Korea, Tibet, Singapore and others which feared getting invaded by the bigger and stronger countries.

Indonesia and Japan has already shown interest in joining, waiting for finalising the foundation. China is still in the Civil War.

While the invitation was sent to both the Communists and Nationalists to join once the Civil War is over, both parties have threatened Tibet against joining it.

Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia were also sent invitations, but they have essentially replied, 'We will think about it'. They most probably don't want India as a permanent member.

USSR has also been sent an invitation, since it is both European and Asian. But it isn't an initial Permanent Member, since it already has UN seat, and is occupying Korea. So it technically is a European country occupying an Asian country. For it to join, it will have to give up direct control over Korea, and a lot of other countries it plans to invade.

Moreover, it is not decided if a country that is majorly European power wise should join or not. Same thing is with Turkey, but it won't really matter if it joins or not. And even if it joins, it won't be even considered a candidate for a Permanent membership.

The first meeting for foundation of Asian Union will happen on 30th August in Kolkata, India. After that, the headquarters will be set in other Permanent members too.