Election Manifestos

As the election season started, all the parties, national and regional, started their campaigning.

And BJS started their campaign by releasing their manifesto.

While it was a detailed document of the party's plans going forward, it focused on some important points that should be understood by general public easily enough.

1. Solving Food Scarcity: The first priority of the party is to solve the food crisis going on in the country. India got around 10% of its food from outside in the form of aid and imports. And a large portion of the population still died every year due to hunger, and almost every person of India is underweight, lacking in several nutritional departments.

The goal is to make the country self sufficient in food production by the end of 1955, and to introduce nutritious diet for everyone by increasing the production of milk and eggs alongside crops.

2. National Security: It is also the top priority, tying with solving food crisis. It involves taking strict action against rioters, and reorganising the police force because of its failure in keeping the crimes in check, alongwith taking part in it.

Also, rooting out all extremists organisations that demand for Pakistan.

3. Land Redistribution: While Zamindaari system has already been outlawed, there is a huge disparity in land ownership The party plans to limit the amount of land a person can hold, and will acquire the excess land from the landlords at a fair price. Then the state owned land will be provided on lease or sold.

4. Creation of Manufacturing Sector: Because of Colonialism, all manufacturing in India was systematically destroyed. The goal is to create 1 million jobs in manufacturing alone by the end of 1955, and laying foundations for becoming the manufacturing hub of the world.

Only products manufactured inside India itself will be allowed for 20 years, to boost not only the manufacturing, but also allow Indian companies ecosystem to mature before joining the world economy in full swing to dominate other countries' markets.

5. Housing: Creating cheap housing for workers in cities, and controlling the inflation in housing market.

6. Textile Industry: Boosting the Textile Industry and aiming to become the main player of the industry in the world, just like before colonialism.

7. Education: Education for all kids from the age of 6 to 14. Making the education more leaning towards how to make money and real skills.

Mid-day meals for the kids in government schools.

Rebuilding world class universities of Takshashila and Nalanda, revitalising India as the world centre of education again.

8. Easing Business Hardships: Easing business hardships like regulations, liscenses, reforming taxes, creating dedicated frieght corridors, and reducing the barrier of entry for a common person to start a business.

9. Protection against Exploitive Companies: Banning companies altogether if they are found exploiting people, whether in India or abroad. This is to prevent evil companies like East India Company getting a hold in India.

This will include companies using false advertisements as well, trying to fool the people.

10. Agricultural Revolution: Educating the farmers to improving their income, to move on from just traditional crop farming to producing natural fertilizers and pesticides, milk, eggs, and other multiple sources of income, making the lives of farmers better.

11. Infrastructure: Creating a robust public infrastructure, adding more passenger railway tracks, stations and trains yearly, 18×7 electricity in Manufacturing dedicated areas throughout the daytime, connecting remote villages through roads, etc.

...And a lot more points.

The title of the Manifesto was:


The main ideology of BJS is to make India great again, to regain the glory it had in the past. To become the richest country again. To become the textile monopoly again. To become the diamond, gold and jewellery monopoly again. To become the most harmonious country again. To become the most open minded and progressive country again.

Also, the Manifesto declared which cities will begin the SuperCity development. It included Kolkata, Benaras, Indore, Surat, Mumbai, Goa, Bengaluru, Chennai and Hyderabad, forming an almost circle of. SuperCities.

It also promised to take back Manipur's land, Coco Island that was leased to Burma during British rule.

It also stated that the ideology of the party is Will of Fire, that the next generation is the king, and our role is to create a strong foundation for the next generation to build upon.


INC also released its election manifesto a day later. While it was mostly the same as BJS's manifesto in agriculture sector, the difference lied in the other sectors.

While BJS was only going to ban the evil foreign companies, like Coca-Cola, nestle, etc. who have exploited not only Indians but also many foreign countries, like wasting tons of water, hoarding clean water, false advertising as better and healthier products than natural ones, etc.

But some companies in textiles, automobiles, and various industries are allowed to exist as long as they manufacture everything in India that they want to sell. No foreign company is allowed in the source sectors, like mining, iron and steel, etc.

But according to Congress Manifesto, foreign companies will be banned altogether, government companies will be the one responsible for heavy industries, there is nothing for businesses and cities, and there isn't much focus on basic education at all, intending to follow the British system as it is, with just the syllabus changing.

So, While BJS is allowing capitalism to flourish in the cities and trying to take measures against crony capitalism and trying to prevent colonalisation like East India Company did, INC wants to remove capitalism altogether, intending for the government to take care of everything without allowing a large number of private players.

INC also plans to introduce Planned Economy which failed to pass in the Constituent Assembly, which would allow the government to plan how the economy goes.

Reading and comparing both Manifestos, most businessmen are leaning more towards BJS, except the ones that don't want any competition and have good relations with INC.

The majority of the poor, which make the majority of the country, are also leaning towards BJS even though most of the agriculture part for both party is same. It is because of the Mid-day meal scheme.

People would rather have the kids work on the farms instead of going to school. But with free government schools and one time of food for the day will incentivise them to send their children.

Internationally, the western block(except UK) is favouring BJS more, since it will profit from manufacturing in India even though many of its companies are going to be banned as 'Evil companies'. Plus, the already set time of 20 years after which the Economy will be open to the world gives it more confidence.

And USSR block is leaning more towards INC. Even though BJS is also going to perform socialism in more or less the villages like the land distribution, INC is going to apply it for the whole country. Though, it supports Communist party more, but it won't be big enough for atleast this decade.

Both of the biggest parties proclaim a non-alignment and Anti-war stance. So it is tough for the international community to be bullishly support any party.

As the days of the elections close in, both the citizens of the country and the outside community watch with anticipation, to see who comes at the top.