Arrival in London

(4th Jan 1951)

(London, UK)

Through Australia's embassy, Satyankar was invited to a meeting for the establishment of Commonwealth games, which will replace the British Empire games or whatever it was called.

Due to US's push for both countries to talk and reconcile, it was decided to attend the meeting. If India doesn't agree to talk for longer, she will be inevitably blamed for sour relations, even though the conditions for reconciliation have been sent beforehand years ago. It is UK that has been acting as if the demands don't exist.

Air India's Garud S-class plane landed in the London Airport, and Elizabeth herself was present to receive him.

If Churchill came to receive him, Satyankar would have obviously acted as if he doesn't exist, and embarassed UK.

The manual door opened, and stairs came out with yellow carpet with very intricate designs.

5 army men came out, followed by Satyankar and again followed by army men. And all of them had guns. The army men in the front even scouted the whole area with binoculars.

Slowly, all of them came down, and the ten army men kept covering Satyankar.

"Namaste ji! They are here just in case you try to assassinate me as you assassinated our scientists. I hope you wouldn't mind."

Elizabeth was visibly uncomfortable. British media would obviously cut out this part, but Indian media was recording everything.

"Well, we didn't assassinate anybody. If you feel comfortable with your security, then its fine."

"Thanks. I don't really feel safe in this terrorist country. I am a single guy, but I do have my partner. Afterall, they are humans' best partner. Sonu!"

As Satyankar called for Sonu, an Indian street dog came out of the plane, wagging his tail. He stood beside Satyankar, and kept wagging his tail excitedly.

"Meet my partner for this trip. Sonu. He is a brave guy. He is thieves worst nightmare. He can sniff out any thief and alert us."

"Oh? Hi Sonu, how do you-"

"*Bark Bark*!"

Sonu barked at Elizabeth, and growled at her threatingly.

"Shh! Sonu, the head of a country has immunity, no matter how talented thieves they may be. Don't bark at her."


He stopped barking, and calmed down as Satyankar rubbed his head.

"Thank you for arriving here. This is Maxwell, he will guide you to your accommodation."

"Well, I did have to see how much space our museum will take when we get bafk all the stolen treasures and artifacts. Maxwell ji, guide me to the British Museum after this. The meeting is tomorrow, right?"

Maxwell looked at Elizabeth, and then nodded.

"Of course."

Garud's back opened, and a fleet of black cars with designs never seen came out.

"We don't want any accidents, like break fail, oil tank exploding or anything else to happen, right? Maxwell ji, come with us and guide the front driver."

"Yes, Mr PM."

As Satyankar's people were moving to the cars, the Indian media were asked to delete the conversation part with Elizabeth, because its against protocols to record conversations with queen.

"And its our protocol to record everything and show our citizens everything except if it is a secret meeting behind closed doors. You follow your protocol, and we will follow our protocol."

"That isn't how it works-"

"This is exactly how it works. Ms Elizabeth II isn't our queen. She is just the head of a recognised terrorist country. We will even ask her questions during the joint press conference."

As the medias had a standoff, Satyankar looked back at the two group.

"I guess you really aren't a democracy, and don't respect freedom of speech and media. If only you guys learned something from your neighbour..."

Everyone got triggered by the last comment, and Elizabeth gestured for the media to be let go.

People already don't take her too seriously because of her young age and she is a woman. Her own Prime Minister doesn't. To build her image, she needs to normalise relationship with India.

'The more rude they behave, the worse they will look.'

That's what she thought. But aside from the Anglo-Saxons of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, no one in the world respects British monarchy. Even USA, which has a huge number of Anglo-Saxons.

Acting 'rudely' will only bring all the people who hate UK, which is majority of the world, look at India with admiration.

The Indian media team followed Satyankar's team, and they entered the plane as the cars went back inside. With totally black bulletproof glass from the outside, there will be no way of determining in which class Satyankar is sitting.

The car, Billionaire S1, is a luxury car made by the Billionaire company established by Satyankar on Diwali two years ago from his own salary, which has the highest level of security right now.

It has bulletproof glasses, doors, fuel tank, have proper seatbelts, tested airbags that don't punch the people inside the cars to death. The glasses are also one-way view, so no one can know who is inside.

Most importantly, it has similar design to Scorpio. The headlights were entirely handmade, so it was quite difficult to make it.

It is also enforced with military grade steel that is used in tanks.

Though, the engine is only on par with the current level of the world, so it is quite slow with all the weight. It's top speed is only 150 kmph, and the drivers have learnt to be able to drive at 90 kmph in narrow areas in case of an attack.

Behind the backseat, there is also a gun and plenty of ammo just in case someone is chasing the fleet. Plus, there are first aid equipments, oxygen, surgical equipments, and each car has a driver, a doctor, and a soldier.

And all of the cars had the same numberplate. IN 01 S 0001

Maxwell sat in a car as he was instructed to, and couldn't help but marvel at how great the car is. The technology isn't anything that the other companies don't have, but it was specialised for upmost safety.

"Guide me to the accommodations, Maxwell ji."

The driver of this car said, and Maxwell sighed and started showing directions. He was supposed to tell the Indian PM about the details of the way they were going, essentially acting as a tourist guide for the head of another country.

Well, it was a good thing actually. He didn't want to act as a tourist guide for such a sharp tounged guy.