Emergency Parliamentary Session

(5th January 1951)

(8:30 pm IST)

(Lok Sabha, Delhi)

An emergency parliamentary session was called around the time Satyankar's plane was arriving in Delhi.

Everyone in the parliament was already present, and only a select few knew about what has happened.

Satyankar came to the parliament in bloodied clothes, shocking everyone.

"Don't worry, I am safe! The situation is very serious, that's why everyone was called at this hour. Shamu, start the projector! Here is the tape!"

Since Satyankar came into power, he had a projector and a pullable screen installed in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.

"Until the recordings of the London trip starts, let me briefly explain about what happened. UK agreed to return all of our gold reserves. When and where will obviously be a secret for now to prevent any mishaps.

Elizabeth claimed that all our treasures and artifacts are theirs, and didn't budge even a bit. The technological transfer didn't go well as well, but military technology transfer was pushed to a later date, which you can consider to be so many years later that an asteroid might as well hit us before it hppens.

Due to Apartheid regime of South Africa against the natives of the county, Africans, and our Indian diaspora, we decided against playing with it.

And UK because they haven't agreed to our demands. And in the typical UK fashion, they tried to assassinate me."

Everyone started shouting, clearly outraged. Even Nehru the peaceful lost his cool.

"Thankfully, Lokesh noticed the assassin beforehand, and protected me and other soldiers took him down. Don't worry, Lokesh is out of critical condition, and has been taken to hospital.


As Satyankar hesitated, and the soldier accompanying him said, "I, as the PM's security chief, decided that getting out of UK was the first priority. So despite his protests, I knocked him out and loaded him into the plane.

Many of our media personnel died in the bomb blasted by the assassin. One cameraman was with us recording the press, so we caught the incident on camera.

The assassin said, "Allah hu Akbar! Allah save the Queen!" before blowing himself up. In my opinion, it wasn't just an attack due to grudge."

"Did the British plan this? It would have been too easy to manipulate those terrorists. That's why I opposed just sending them to UK. They should have been executed."

Savarkar mentioned, and Satyankar sighed.

"It was the best way to get as many terrorists we can to surrender in a short amount of time. Now, we don't have to spend too much time rooting out the terrorists, and many places have come under complete control.

Anyway, UK is now a level 9 terrorist country. Let them deal with the problem they created."

The projector started, and the screening of the London trip started.

Everyone was surprised by taking a dog as a partner. Even inside the Buckingham Palace.

Then, they saw the press conference, and the assiliant's face.

"That's the vice-leader of Pakistan Jihad Force, Iqbal."

Satyankar informed everyone, recognising his face from the files of the top brass of terrorist groups' leaders.

All the tapes were over, and the lights were started again.

"It should have been impossible for him to get a gun this easily without support from UK. Construction often uses explosives, and UK is in the middle of rebuilding. So he could have arranged one that was going to be used to demolish a damaged structure.

How many of us think that it was a British ploy?"

Almost everyone raised their hands, be it BJS, RJS or Congress.

Though, except from Nehru and some of his followers.

"What benefit will Britain get by assassinating the leader of a foreign country in its own soil? Won't this make everyone suspicious of it. It isn't logical."

Nehru argued.

Savarkar counter-argued, "Isn't the reason you mentioned be why they attempted it on their own soil? It's so absurd to think, that's why many people, like you wouldn't believe it."

Satyankar nodded.

"I agree with Savarkar ji. Moreover, British people are some of the most racist people on the planet. They certainly wouldn't want an influx of illiterate refugees that don't know their language, don't follow their state religion, and are certain to have large amount of trouble until now. This will make it a perfect excuse to blame everything on them, and force them out of their country.

And they would then even cry about human rights to take them in, claiming that they are Indians. They will portray the entire incident being caused due to us."

"Yes! That's right! Those bastards!"

Many MPs screamed in anger.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter whether it was Britain's plan or not. A terrorist was able to get into Buckingham Palace, possibly disguised as a reporter. That's enough proof for us to make decisions from now on on the assumption that Britain is actively against us, and will stoop to any lows possible to attack us."

Savarkar said, and Satyankar sighed and said,

"They must be confident that we wouldn't do anything since they have NATO's backing.

Well, we aren't barbarians like them to invade their worthless island.

We will have to destroy them economically to the point of no return.

More than half of British textile industries have already gone bankrupt with Bengal, Nagpur and Mumbai's production alone.

Not many countries will now put their reserves in Britain since they tried to freeze our gold. That will weaken their banking system, and Pound.

Total sanctions have been placed, so not even shipments with British insurance will be able to pass through our boundary in Indian Ocean.

The only thing that Britain has left are its colonies. We must give support to every independence movements. Though we aren't economically capable enough yet, we can openly support their struggle diplomatically."

"Should we talk to Indonesia to block Britain as well? India and Indonesia own most of the area of Indian Ocean."

An MP suggested.

But Satyankar shook his head.

"Indonesia has even more domestic problems going on right now. Due to being a group of thousands of islands, uniting the country is more difficult for them. Adding the burden of enemity from UK will weaken them. For India, and the world, a stable and united Indonesia is required to increase in power as soon as possible. We can't be obstacles to their progress."

"Then, how about asking for Soviet Union's help on this matter? It's obvious which side US will choose. Anglo-Saxons are very united, and are the most racist group in the world."

A communist ideology leaning MP suggested.

"...Let's decide on that after hearing both countries' stances."

Satyankar said after some pause. Implying that he was considering some help from Soviet Union if USA didn't support India on this matter.

The geopolitical dynamic of the world were on the brink of a huge change.