Invasion Prelude

(28th February 1951)

China has been diplomatically trying to reunite with Tibet until now, due to the Asian Union. But it hasn't joined it yet, knowing that use of force may be necessary.

During Tibet's appeal to join Asian Union, India had abstained, Indonesia had abstained, and US's puppet, Japan had voted in favour.

Since China started to persuade Tibet diplomatically at first, Tibet had asked for India's advice in secret.

"Theocracy and Communism are never going to work together."

Tibet was also advised that if it does join China, make Tibet something like Constitutional Monarchy with keeping the traditions of Dalai Lama and him being the head of the state. But keep it ceremonial. While abolishing feudal system, start working for land redistribution and have an election for Prime Minister. This will probably be the only way China will tolerate the tradition of Dalai Lama.

Otherwise, sooner or later, even after Tibet becomes part of China, Dalai Lama will be in danger to be replaced by China's puppet.

The decision was on Tibet's hand, as India has decided not to interfere.

Due to the advice, Tibet has repeatedly denied joining China. And now, China was ready to use force.

On 28th February 1951, almost two months after the situation in Korea has settled down, China invaded Tibet with full force.

And of course, Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin are integral parts of Tibet, no matter what a country claims. But, first Tibet, than Aksai Chin and South Tibet.

No country can bully China. No more!