Aftermath and Reactions

(20th September 1951)

As India became the third nuclear power in the world, the world reacted very surprised, especially the western world.

UK, which is just some months away from being a nuclear power, went to full panic. No one could believe that those poor, uncivilised beastly people made a nuclear bomb.

"India should focus on its poverty first, not make bombs!"

"Cow piss drinkers will bomb us for eating beef."

"India's Nuclear Bomb: A fake out to end the war?"

"Did USA help India to make the bomb?"

"Did USSR help India to make the bomb?"

Speculations about one of the nuclear superpower helping India was rampant. Various caricatures mocking India came out. Be it UK, US, or any European country.

For India though, the nuclear bomb was a huge advantage in the global stage. Nuclear weapons will now act as deterrents for any country acting out. This made the Arab world give up its plan to attack India, and all the resources were now focused for the next war against Israel.

In Asia, this event cemented India as the leading power of Asia, with not only the biggest economy and military, but also a nuclear power.

And this event basically ended the Indo-China war.

Not that it wasn't of consequences. Watching the explosion, Vikram Sarabhai was really disturbed, and has been in the process of coming out of the committee of nuclear scientists.

And the political landscape of India also changed.

After the War Emergency ended and the parliament returned to its normal functioning, many politicians were outraged about conducting the nuclear test without the Parliament's knowledge.

"When lakhs of people can't afford even one meal a day, you spent almost 200 crores on a bomb!? Without informing even your ministers!? That's dictatorship!"

"As the statement of nuclear policy has been released before, India's nuclear weapons will be deterrents against wars. Why did Indo-China war end as soon as we got the bomb? Are you going to say that it was a coincidence?"

"There could have been other ways! We don't need nuclear weapons."

"We absolutely need them. Whatever weapons any part of the world has, we need to have the same level of weapon technology. India lies on the center of Indian Ocean, between Seuz Canal and Strait of Malacca. We have the majority of oil supplying countries on the West, and South-east Asian countries which will also recover from colonial rule and be powerhouses in the world.

Unlike USA which is separated by oceans on both sides, we are surrounded from all sides.

If we don't keep up with the world in weapons, we will be invaded, again, as we have in majority of the history.

The problem is that you all consider India to be just some insignificant poor country. The inferiority complex that has been instilled is controlling your minds.

Let me say this again. India is the most important country in the world. And everyone wants a part of it. If we show one sign of weakness, everyone will try to exploit it.

If the country isn't safe, poverty can't be reduced. Poverty will only rise. 1.7 billion right now will save us hundreds of billions, even trillions of money in the long run.

And anyway, like many 'useless' expenditure that has been criticised, have benefited our people and economy. What will being a nuclear power help in?

India probably has the world's biggest Thorium reserves. It is safer than Uranium, and an ideal fuel for harnessing nuclear energy to create electricity. Due to exponentially high calorific value than other fuels like coal, oil and natural gas, the energy prices will be very low, and we wouldn't have to excessively rely on other countries for fulfilling our ever-growing energy requirements. That's why-"

"So why didn't you focus on that, and made a bomb!?"

"Because making a bomb is far more easier than creating a powerplant. Making nuclear powerplants will take more time, perhaps years, perhaps decades. Both things are important. And our focus now has shifted from making bombs to create electricity. These two things don't need to be mutually exclusive."

The debate went on and on, until the speaker shut up everyone to focus on more things on agenda.

Dalai Lama and Mao will be arriving in Delhi in a week for afterwar negotiations.

Due to war, Satyankar's US trip as a chief guest for the parade was cut short from three days to one, on 4th July itself. He has proposed a project that could interest US.

Satyankar started discussing the projects he had in his mind with the parliament then.

"Both Soviet and US Presidents are invited in this year's 15th August parade, when Indo-US and Indo-USSR friendship treaty will most likely be signed.

I plan to propose two connectivity projects.

First is, after the gas and crude oil pipeline, a railway network from USSR to the Gwadar port through Afghanistan to serve as an intermediary for exporting Soviet goods to the rest of the world. This will benefit both of our countries immensely.

And another is a railway network from Gwadar Port to Mediterranean sea, through Iran and Turkey. This will be an alternative route to the sensitive Seuz Canal, and our trade wouldn't be effected due to more Israel-Arab confrontations. It will also connect us to Iran and Turkey, so it will improve our relations. And this will require major US funding.

We are heavily relying on exports, so we have to prepare multiple alternative routes so that our economy is not affected.

When you need development, you need trains afterall."

This proposal was quite beneficial for USA, USSR, and India. Soviet Union will get its sea access, albeit for trade only. It will allow USA to have uninterrupted trade with India, Iran and Turkey. It's oil imports from Iran will not be interrupted due to Israel-Arab conflicts.

And the most benefitting country will be India. Gwadar, which is the deepest port, will become a global hub for trade, and the exports will become cheaper with less transportation costs. If successful, it will also improve relations with Iran and Turkey, and possibly Iraq after it is also added to the route if it becomes successful with Turkey and Iran first.

And, the proposal will be for USSR and USA to fund majority of the projects, so it wouldn't hurt India much in short term financially.

The proposal for the projects were well received in Lok Sabha, and Gwadar got a SuperCity status for the next elections.

And now, it was time for the President election which has been delayed due to emergency.

RJS put forward Shyam Prasad Mukherjee, Congress put forward C.Rajgopalachari,

And BJS put forward Vikram Sarabhai.

"Wait, wasn't he dead!?"

The whole world was shocked.