His Image Has Ruined!

Cao Haoran's eyes twitched a little. He could tell the reason that little demon turned human was probably extremely important. Even though she didn't speak her true words, he could still understand.

Li Wei had turned into a mortal, the one who couldn't even get up and wash her own clothes. He understood.


"I can use cultivation to wash your clothes."

"I want my robes to be washed by hand, thank you," Li Wei wasn't going to back up on this matter. After all, washing the clothes wasn't her real issue anyway. In truth, Cao Haoran could wash away all he wanted. She even desired to throw away her own soiled clothes to his face to make him feel a little bit embarrassed.

"There's no difference between cultivation cleaning and hand cleaning." In fact, for him, the ones cleaned with the help of his cultivation were better.

"I said I want my robes to be cleaned by hand." Li Wei glared at the man and stayed firm in her determination.