The next day, everyone followed what Bandar said. They woke up at exactly 4 am and went to the grounds.
As they all went, they saw Bandar standing in the centre of the grounds at a distance .
"Good morning, everyone. Hope all of you have rested well." Said Bandar. He was cheering up the crowd as they all seemed half dead.
No one replied to him. So he went on, "Ok so let us get started now. Groups to be formed again please." Ordered Bandar and everyone formed the groups the same as yesterday.
"So, I have received reports of all of you by your designated leader of your groups. Many of you,were very good.
Some of you, not so good. So we will first take out the ones with lower ranks...
Cyrus, Jean, Yumi , Mark,....."
Bandar paused for a moment. He looked very confused. Then Luther asked "Is everything ok?"
"Who is.... uh," Luther came forward towards Bandar. He showed Luther something.
"Oh, his name is zecklim." Said Luther while Bandar was still looking at the name written.
"Ok, thank you. So whoever he said and Louie. The names I just called out are the ones needing improvement. Please stand over there." Said Bandar and pointed over to the place those people needed to stand.
"Group A and B, please stand on opposite sides of the ground." Ordered Bandar. They were all given wooden swords so no one can kill each other.
"Once I whistle, all of you will start running towards each other, and just imagine as if you are in a war." Said Bandar.
Bandar counted "1,2,3" and he blew the whistle. They all started running towards each other and they fought lightly.
Bandar let them fight for five minutes and blew the whistle again to tell them to stop. Once they heard the whistle and stopped they all were very tired and fell to ground.
"Good job. Marcus, Luther come here please." Said Bandar.
Marcus and Luther too, were very tired. But not as much as the others. They got up and walked towards Bandar.
"Yes. What happened O'ruler?" Asked Luther. "Stamina. Improve it." Said Bandar in a very bland voice and went back to the camping grounds.
"Marcus and Luther were left confused. After they realised what Bandar had just said they went back to the people, made them stand up and told them to improve their stamina.
It was now 2 pm. Bandar went inside his hut and asked his parents "Is it done?". His parents replied by nodding their heads.
"Ok then. I will tell them today at 7 pm." Said Bandar and he lied down on the bed.
His parents saw he was very tired. They asked him "Is everything ok? You seem tired."
"It is so difficult to handle all these things. I wonder how Malik does it. He must be very well experienced and must know everything.
He is also very intelligent. He is also very humble, kind and helpful. He never lets anyone feel left out." Continued Bandar.
"He actually is very old. He just looks young." Said his mother. "How old is he?" Asked Bandar curiously.
His dad replied "Sixty-seven. He is very old eh?" Bandar was in shock thinking he was atleast in his fortys .
His jaw dropped. He was dumbfounded. He was bewildered. He was puzzled. He was left speechless.
Any word that is related to shocked could describe how Bandar was feeling.
"SIXTY WHAT?" Bandar screamed very loudly." He bounced off his bed. There was amoment of silence.
After he processed what had just happened, he finally pulled up his jaw that had dropped a moment ago. His jaw was also paining.
"Yes, he is. I thought you knew that. Malik was my best friend when we were children. We both wanted to be rulers.
We both applied to be the next ruler. Only he got nominated and his mind got filled with the thought 'I am superior to everyone.'.
Once he was made the ruler, he behaved very rudely to others. Many did not like him. The biggest problem was, we both liked the same woman.
When I first started dating your mother, Malik still had a crush on her. He saw us hanging out and being close to each other so he called me to his hut. He beat me up and threatened me." Explained Bandar's dad.
"Really? But he was so kind to me. He is kind to the others. I have seen it. I don't think what you said was true." Said Bandar.
"It is the truth. And the truth hurts." Completed his mother.
Bandar did not believe them and decided to ask Malik directly once he returned. He then got up from his bed and went outside.
He whistled to call his temporary assistant.
His assistant came. "Schedule a meeting tomorrow at 5 am sharp. Only for the warriors, on the grounds." Ordered Bandar.
"Yes O' ruler. 5 am sharp tomorrow. They will be informed." Said his assistant and bowed to him. After, he went away to inform the other people.