The Rumors

When Toby got home, he decided to fulfill his portion of the deal. Eva had honored her part by telling him a bit of information, so he would honor his part of the deal by getting rid of her bullies. 

The next few days at school Toby was able to gist himself into other people's conversations, which was rare for him to do. He frequently spread good rumors about Eva, this was the most he could do for the moment because it would be hard to single out every kid who picks on her. Eventually her reputation got a bit better.

On the third day of this, Toby met up with Eva during lunch. He had a gigantic smile on his face, while Eva had the usual angry look.

"Hey." Toby said sitting down next to her. 

"Spit it out, I'm eating." Eva said becoming irritated. 

"Well I'm about to tell you something that would turn that frown upside down." Toby smirked. 

"So, I went around and now most rumors about you are gone! Now all I need to do is-" Toby was cut off by a sharp and angry glare. This was different from his expectations, he thought if he told Eva what he did, she would be happy just like him. 

"What do you mean you got rid of the rumors." Eva said belligerently. The fact that she was quiet and visibly mad, was scary for Toby. 

"The rumors are gone. I got rid of them, you're happy right?" Toby said slightly backing into his seat next to her. 

"YOU IDIOT, I DIDN'T ACTUALLY THINK YOU'D DO IT." Eva shouted at him, gaining half of the lunch room's attention. Noticing this, she calmed down.

"Man I liked the rumors. I even helped spread them. Except for occasional bullies, no one bothered me." Eva said with a mad sigh. 

"I only said that in the deal to make you back out. But unluckily for me you didn't."

"You don't like talking to others just like me?" Toby asked.

"Sure," Eva sighed not willing to correct him. Toby was a bit happy because he had another person just like him. He wasn't the only one who didn't like to talk to others. Toby peaked over and saw her notebook. There was the same thing written over and over again. He swiftly grabbed it and said,

"Did you actually try to fix your handwriting?" Toby said curiously. He was then chased by Eva who screamed at him and she was emitting pure anger. Parents would've thought that it was normal children's play. 

gist- engage in chat or gossip

glare- stare in an angry or fierce way

irritated- angry

expectation- a strong belief that something will happen in the future