
The next day at school, Toby arrived earlier than usual. This most likely occurred because of the incident between Toby and his mother last night. 

He started to walk down the white hallway that was lit by the light emitting from the multiple windows facing town square. From here Toby could see the two passageways. The two passageways were congruent in shape but they led to different places underground. These two passageways were on both sides of the clock tower and they both led to major cities, and multiple minor cities, which were run by the government. 

The government inside the underground is a bit similar to the government that was previously formed before decension. The difference was that there is only one council and any decision they make is absolute.

Toby continued down the long hallway lit with windows until he reached his classroom. Once inside, he sat down at his desk. This specific class was history and it started at 9:00am, it is currently 8:30am. He placed down his bag then picked up a book to read. Toby and maybe one or two more students were inside the classroom at this moment. 

He was entering the dimension of reading until he slightly looked up and saw someone right in front of his desk. Eva flared up her hands, causing Toby to flinch back into his seat. Eva chuckled and sat next to him saying,

"Why are you so early? You normally come right before class starts."

"I could ask you the same thing, you normally come after the class starts." Toby says crossing his arms in a defensive manner. 

"No I don't, I come early thank you very much." Eva said defensively, but she regular came late most days. 

"By the way what are you reading?" Eva asked curiously.

"I was supposed to be studying math, but then you barged in." Toby responded with an indifferent face. Eva truly couldn't understand how he could show genuine interest in studying, but what she couldn't understand more was why he had a math book in particular.

"What? I'm reinforcing my math skills." Toby said responding to her confused stare.

"Toby," Eva said with a sigh.


"This class is history." 

"Yes and?" Toby asked not understanding what she was implying, but before she could respond Toby continued,

"I have a bone to pick with you."

"With me?" Eva asked taken aback. Normally it's Eva who is annoyed with Toby, but now it's the opposite.

"Do you know how much trouble I got into because I came home late. I had to do extra chores as a consequence!" 

Eva couldn't help but laugh at this statement,

"Do you still have a curfew?" Eva asked through muffled laughs.

"Of course, do you not have one?" 

"Why would I have one." 

Toby's eyes widened, how come a girl who is one year younger than him, doesn't have a curfew. At that very moment the teacher came in. It was already 9:02am. The teacher started writing down events in chronological order while the class of fifteen students wrote them down.

"How?! That's not fair." Toby wrote on a note that he passed to Eva.

"Yes it is." Eva replied back. "It's because you're too young and immature." 

How was Toby too young? He was a year older than her, and his maturity level was extremely high. As soon as he was about to send another note to Eva the teacher caught him and made him stand in the corner. Most kids were laughing but Toby was thinking of ways to trick his mother into getting rid of the curfew. He failed miserably. 

[ Toby's school has an entrance part, then a long hallway that led to other classrooms, bathrooms, and the cafeteria.]

congruent- exactly equal shape and size

chronological- arranged in the order of time