

About two blocks away from his original location, he stopped, confused. Everywhere here was new to him, if this was Earth then he had never been to this part of the world, it was all new.

"Why couldn't he have just given me some basic survival package" The man complained

Finding out his location was secondary, he needed to get off the streets fast and he had absolutely no idea how to do it.

Finding shelter was the most important and so far, he had yet to find anything that will allow him achieve that goal.

He only had about ten dollars on him and he needed to multiply that quickly but how... Well even if he knew how, he currently looked like a homeless man, nobody would give him a chance.

As he walked through the streets of this new city, he looked around to see anything he could do. He found many but due to his current dressing, they would never allow him into the premises.

"Of course, I could try betting, the primagen is supposed to make me smarter right?" He said as he saw a small betting shop just a few meters away from him.

If there was any place that will gladly accept him, it would be a betting store. They didn't care about how he dressed, they cared more about him losing the little he had.

Hoping to God that the primagen had taken effect, he began walking towards the store. Just like with every other homeless man, the people gave way when they saw him.

Even though subtle, he could see the looks of disgust. He couldn't blame them, even he considered himself disgusting.

He could swear that germs and dirt on the clothes had developed sentience and was trying to eat it's way into his skin.

"What do you want sir?" The store owner asked trying her best to maintain a distance both for her safety and to escape the terrible odor oozing off my body.

"Good day, I would like to try my luck here today" He answered with a smile

Hearing him, the lady turned to the other people in the store before shrugging and pointing towards one of the many desktops in the store.

Seeing where he pointed, the people or at least most of them in the area of the desktop stood up and immediately left.

As usual, he focused on what he had come for. As he sat down and the lady showed him all he needed to know, he sat and immediately began to consider his options.

So far from all he had learnt, he knew he would surely lose this money. He was hoping to get smarter after taking the Primagen but said smarts were no where to be seen.

He looked the small change in his hand and tears nearly filled his eyes. Why did that god or celestial have to put him in such a stupid situation.

He didn't even know the facts about any of the teams playing, he wasn't a sports guy. He was the geek who spent his time reading novels and learning about Warhammer 40k.

This wasn't his thing but now he had to somehow make it work. Closing his eyes and offering a small prayer to practically anyone who was listening, he blindly placed a bet.

It was better than nothing.