

Anyway, it didn't matter much since he was about a hundred times smarter than a regular human. Even if such a level of knowledge was hard to achieve, he would reach it faster than most people.

Within minutes, the car reached his home. The house looked nothing like it initially did… well, there weren't many changes to it, but the small changes made it look completely different.

"Sir, we have arrived," the driver said.

"Oh, thank you," he replied before stepping out of the car.

There wasn't much he had been doing these days apart from learning. However, it had kept him pretty busy on his own, and though it was boring at the beginning, now that he was understanding it, he was actually enjoying it.

As soon as he got inside the house, he went straight to his room and changed, then went to his balcony where he sat with his books and began to read.

"Sir, would you like anything?" he heard one of the helpers ask.

Turning to the source of the voice, he saw a young woman who looked to be in her early twenties or probably less. He couldn't be sure, but she looked too young to be working.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" Oliver asked without thinking.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry, forgive my crude wording. I'm just asking because you seem as though you're supposed to be in college, and if I'm not wrong, classes should be ongoing now," he replied.

"Oh… no, I'm thirty. Those years are behind me," the lady replied as she chuckled at his misunderstanding.

"Then I apologize for my statement. Genetics was really good to you."

"Thank you, sir, but would you like me to bring you anything?"

"Just a glass of water would be enough," Oliver replied as he opened the first book.

It was a book on advanced mathematics, but he sat reading it as though it was a normal novel. His mind automatically processed and calculated all he had to.

It was like his mind was some form of supercomputer. He never forgot nor did he have to brainstorm to get answers to complex questions.

Hours passed as the day slowly got dark. A small pile of books could be seen lying by his side, and he was finally on the last book. However, unlike before, a small pile of papers could be seen on the table before him.

Even if he didn't forget or had no need to physically calculate anything, there were still some things worth writing down.

"Well, that confirms it. Humans here are different from Earth's humans," Oliver noted as he dropped the last book on the ground.

"Should I go through the science lab route… I could learn more that way," Oliver noted.

He may have no true use for such a lab, but he couldn't deny that it would be useful if he wanted to truly learn how different the Marvel Universe's humans are from normal humans.