Chapter 679 Mobile Payment_1

Underestimating one's enemy is one of the good methods to accomplish great tasks.

It wasn't that Ma Lin enjoyed running errands, but running errands could yield tangible benefits. The Association of the Exceptionals had submitted a report to Ma Lin stating that every time Ma Lin ran an errand for the ruler of the Jiutian City, fourteen fewer lower-class members of the Ouzhou Continent would die.

To paralyze one's enemy, do not arise their jealousy and suspicion.

Seek cooperation whenever possible to minimize confrontation.

During the errand-running process, both parties established a dependent relationship and the possibility for future dialogue, which, under the current extremely severe situation, was a good way to improve circumstances.

What kind of ruler would have Ma Lin run errands for them?

Bai Bi once contacted Ma Lin via WeChat, hoping Ma Lin could pick up a few comic books for him on the way while delivering pancakes to his camp.