Sudden death

Three days passed so quickly that even Bai Wan failed to understand how fast it went. During this three days, he skipped all the classes and only spent time in his room studying the dual cultivation sutra while secretly completing a side quest with Su Yin.

"Master.. thank you." Su Yin melodious voice sounded in his ear. Bai Wan looked down at her blushing face and grinned.

He slid down from her body and layed down on the bed, panting slowly.

[You have completed Su Yin's special task, You have acquired 100 Fate points]

[Total fate points: 180]

[Total fate value: 0]

[You have acquired skills (Sword Dance (Trash))

[You have two options, Accept skills/ Exchange skills for fate points.]

Bai Wan stared at the prompts, a little confused, why was there (trash) behind the skill name?

[This skill is useless and can only be cultivated by someone with adequate knowledge of sword art]

'Oh, the former Bai Wan was a lazy brat that hated studying. Even though his father brings home good sword masters, including sexy ladies, he would always run away and play around.. Quite pathetic. But, accept the skill.'


[SKILL: Sword dance has been added to Acquired skills]

Bai Wan opened his fate system which could be opened with just the mention or thought of the word 'Fate'

'The system doesn't convert fate points to Fate values automatically, that is good but I wonder why it doesn't.'

Bai Wan clicked the Fate value and there was a simple exchange button, in this formate.

[Fate points] 180

[Fate value] 0

[+]Convert [Fate points] to [Fate value]

Note: 10 FP = 1 FV

Bai Wan clicked the [+] button and ten fate points were immediately converted to Fate values, he kept doing it until he was left with no more fate points to exchange.


[Fate values has crossed milestone [10]]

[Your fate system will now upgrade]

[Time remaining: 2 hours]

"Hmm. Interesting, while this is ongoing, I better go collect my pill from that old fart.. sigh, one litre of that wine costs ten spirit stones and he wants three. Even though I'm from a wealthy family, spending such amount of money is still a pain in the ass."

He got dressed while grumbling, he covered Su Yin with the blanket and left. Outside, the disciples stared at him weirdly for reasons he wasn't interested in.

At the wine store of the sect, he bought five litres of wine and rushed to drunken master alchemist place.

Getting there, he met quite a large crowd outside. Making him wonder why this place was different.

He searched around for the two guards but they were no where to be found, he heaved a disappointed sigh, He had bought wine for them but now they are not here.

"Those two were okay just yesterday, they stayed outside during the nighttime and drank with us. We laughed and got drunk then sleep and now woke up with bad news, what a sad world. Those two were one of the purest in heart."

"May their soul rest in peace! May heaven continue to shower then with sweet wine and women."

Bai Wan eavesdropped on their conversations, wondering who died. He made way through the crowd and arrived at the front where he was greeted with two familiar faces.

They were laying on the ground and four masked men were placing their body on bamboo stretchers.

'They are dead! How? We only met three days ago and built quite a connection and now they are gone!' Bai Wan didn't understand.

'Does this have to do with fate? I stole all their fates and now this?'

However, his presence was soon noticed by the grieving crowd. "Kid, what are you doing here?" They asked.

Bai Wan turned to the questioneer, a middle aged man with messy beards, "Here to see drunken master alchemist, is he around?"

"Oh.. you are the kid he was waiting for, sorry you have missed him. But here.." he bought out a small bottle.

"He asked me to give this to a young man with the same description as you, you are Bai Wan, right?"

Bai Wan responses with a nod and the pill was passed to him. 'At least, I get to resell the wine, hehe.'

"Wait up, where is the payment?"

'Crap!! He remembered his payment!'

Now, he had no choice but to give them the wine ane then he left. However, he was deep in thought, wondering about the sudden death of those characters.

'Fuck that, I only met them for a few hours, though they seem nice, but their death doesn't concern me.'

'What should be of concern to me now is getting my D's back! Holy Cow, I'm too excited!'

He crossed the multitude of disciples returning from lecture not even bothering to listen on their conversation.

He got to his room; Su Yin was still sleeping, However, she had sleepingly removed the blanket covering her, revealing her sexy figure causing the supposed reaction.

Bai Wan facepalmed, "I need to take the pill first!"

Afterwards, he hurriedly took off the lid, revealing a sweet smelling amber coloured pill with a strong medicinal aura, it was two times the size of normal capsules on earth.

Without hesitating, he placed the pill in his mouth and swallowed with his saliva.

For the first three seconds, he felt nothing, except the pill sliding down his throat.

Nevertheless, moment after, he felt something different!

A sharp pain erupted from his stomach, it was as though he had swallowed a large mass of fiery charcoal.

It wasn't only his stomach, his crotch area felt like something invisible was furiously pulling on it.

Greeted with those two sensation, his brain couldn't react properly! Ache that felt like bombs exploding appeared. His eyes lost strength and he collapsed on the ground.

"Master!" Su Yin rose up from the bed the moment Bai Wan lost it. It was as though something called on her to wake up and rescue her master.