
Her terms and conditions were simple actually, although most of it were repulsive, but still, she was more than 9/10 and he wanted her.

It was nighttime,Bai Wan walked through the lonely path down a small flower garden, smiling cheekily thinking of how much Qi he would get from dual cultivating with her.

"Hehe, she would only come to my house at night and spend the day because she doesn't want anyone to know of our relationship yet."

"She seems quite new, since she doesn't know who I am and the stupid backstory. Hehe, at least, after breaking her mind, she wouldn't dare to believe any stories even though they are true." Bai Wan smirked devilishly.

Ahead of him, someone, a dude almost as tall as him with nice features, was walking towards him.

Both of them walked past each other. However, Bai Wan felt something react inside of him, it was as though he suddenly developed a malice towards that guy.

'What the fuck!' He was shocked about how the malice appeared.

Bai Wan felt like something was taking over his body, a sudden urge to call that dude back and cuss him appeared.

"Are you okay?" Came a voice that startled him.

Bai Wan did a quick hop like a grasshopper who got distracted and took a defensive stance.

"Who the fuck are you, why did you touch me with those stin--" Bai Wan didn't even realize what he was saying. His eyes widened and his hands quickly covered his mouth.

"Don't worry.. I'm okay.." he struggled to say these words normally.

The young man looked at him weirdly, due to the darkness of the night, he couldn't see his face clearly. "Be careful, the sect is a dangerous place even though it is said to be secure." He said to Bai Wan and turned his back to leave.

Meanwhile Bai Wan stood the spot, still shocked about his behavior towards this total stranger. Why did he feel such hatred, why did he say those hateful words unintentionally?

His eyes widened as he placed one and two together and arrived at an unconfirmed conclusion.

"The trait of a young master character!"

"That guy just now! He is the protagonist!"

The more he thought about it, the more he realized that it was exactly as it was in novels. When a protagonist appears, there is a young master that shows up to humiliate the MC and then ends up getting face slapped in the most impossible way!

"I'm the son of a rich merchant, that guy looks poor. That explains it, the trait of my original character almost took over my body!"

Bai Wan walked faster, and even began running toward his room. I'm a little bit confused about that strange meeting.

When he got to his room, he locked the door and sat down on the bed to get his head straight.

"Master~" Su Yin called his name lewdly and crawled from her position. She began massaging his back lewdly causing Bai Wan's little brother to rise up.

"Sigh, Su Yin. What would I have done if I didn't purchase you." He sighed and took off his clothes.

He laid her on the bed and made out with her while his brain thought about what just happened.

That was definitely not him back then, he wouldn't just cuss at someone for no reason. He wouldn't develop hate for someone so quickly.

'System, is there any explanation for this? Why did I react that way?'


[Your fate value is too low to get this answer]

'What fuck! If I had made a stupid move just now, I'm sure that dude would have killed me. Even though it is a crime, his plot armor would save him. That was fucking dangerous, you gotta explain to me'


[Your fate value is too low. The character you met has stronger fate value and his fate value is protecting this information. Obtain more fate values to break the protection]

[Since you might need more fate value, here is a mission]


Quest: Steal fate points from 10 characters.

Completed: 0/10

Reward: +100 extra fate points

Penalty: -100 fate points (Note, if fate point is lower, system will take something important from you)

Deadline: 2 days


Bai Wan could only stare at the stat window while pounding Su Yin. Due to his anger and confusion, he pounded her harder causing her to let out a loud painful moan.


"My pussy feels so hot and painful~"

Bai Wan sighed and closed the window then focused on lovemaking with Su Yin. "Don't worry, Master will reduce his pounding intensity."

After making her cum once, Bai Wan moved away and went to grab the beginner dual cultivation sutra.

Now that he was about to fully begin his journey, he decided to read the instructions and side notes that were at the top left part of the scroll.

He immersed himself in it and his eyes widened as he learnt new methods that will make both him and his partner benefit more from the process.

However, there was a note that said.

⟨⟨Don't hate yourself. These methods are unnecessary if you have inferior physique and poor yang/yin essence⟩⟩.