Lu Fang

Bai Wan rose early, even before the first cock crowed, prepared for his journey to the entrance exam venue.

'Ah, there wasn't much time to fully master the [Sword dance] but that is okay, I'm not aiming for first place so I might not even battle that stupid protagonist.' He sighed as he stuffed his mouth with snacks.

"Master, are you leaving again."

Su Yin rose up after a great night with Bai Wan, she lovingly stared at him and asked.

"Yes, get dressed, you are coming with me."


"Yes, I'm not kidding, you will be my protector at the exam, some bastard might try to take me out. So you have to watch my back and be ready to strike without mercy."

"Yes, I'll do that master."

"Hmm, at that event, you have the go ahead to call me Bai Wan or Master Bai, I don't want them to have some nasty suspicious and think you are a mindless slave, it is against their dumb culture for one to have a mindless slave."