Can’t ignore

Adira finished her work for the day. It was about 8:30 pm. Other slaves had retired earlier than she did, but like always, Kara made sure she overworked her before she dismissed her. Now she was walking alone in the deserted walkway, back to the slave house and her feet hurt badly. 

Adira thought about her new life, as she walked down.

"To think I have this strange energy within!"

She howled at the thoughts in her mind.

"Could it be what they did to me in the hospital...huh?"

She scoffed. 

"I don't deserve this suffering, my only crime was that I attended a wedding party!"

She muttered as she kicked the floor of the walkway like it had offended her.

Adira's feet halted abruptly when she saw a strange animal crawling out of one of the pack's houses."

"Holy blood!...what the fuck is that!"

She hid behind a closer pillar, taking a shield. Trying to get a clearer view, she peeped to be sure of what she saw. The animal perceived her. It took a quick turn and began to walk towards her. 

"Wolf!!...fuck!" She could see the clearer view of the wolf.

"One of the werewolves must have shifted." She thought.

Her mind began to race. She grasped for air as her whole being had been overcome with fear.

She has heard a lot about werewolves and how they devoured humans who were unfortunate to meet them in an angry state. As her heart beat with exertion, she wished the wolf wasn't in a bad mood and most importantly not see her.

The wolf continued walking towards her. Then it began to run towards her in anger.

Adira let out a loud cry. She wanted to move but her legs failed her.

They had refused to move her body as if were fixed to the ground. She was left with only one option which was to wait and watch the wolf tear her up.

The wolf made a familiar sound, she hated she could recognize it. It was a sound they make whenever they want to attack a human. She first heard that sound from Lady Amy the first day she encountered the pack.

The Wolf was now closer, running faster to her. She had lost the little hope of her surviving in the pack. She closed her eyes and wished for her death to be a quick one, there wasn't a way she could live anyway. The Alpha wasn't close by after all and she didn't have any powers.

Suddenly, the wolf jumped on her, plucking one of his paws into her limbs. But was suddenly stopped when a strong wave revolted against it. 

It struggled to pull off its legs, the energy sending shock waves into it. 

"Uuhmm..." The wolf cried. It stopped abruptly, and after a long stare at her, it spun to another direction and ran off.

Adira did not understand what had just happened. She starred into the atmosphere, trying to catch up with what has happened. She couldn't believe that a werewolf would be afraid of her.

"Am I one of them?" she asked inwardly. She wished the answer will never be a yes. Her stay in the Cardias pack had traumatized her.

"Or could it be the Alpha's baby?" But to the best of her knowledge, fetus never had that power. Her friend had thought her briefly about the werewolves, including their history. And according to her, birth have to occur for a werewolf power to be activated.

She struggled to move her legs, hoping she wouldn't jump into anyone of them before she gets to the slave house.

She got to the slave house, and on getting to her cubicle, a friend was waiting for her to return. Margaret smiled broadly on seeing her make her way to the cage. She spread her hands, signaling she comes into her arms.

"Kara held you again today?" She asked and hissed loudly.

"She better not make anything happen to my grandson, else..."

"Keep it down!" Adira cautioned.

"But it true, if anything happens to him, I'll deal with her personally."

She continued but with a lower voice.

"You're too convinced its a boy Margaret, it could be a girl you know?" 

Adira said.

"Well I know what I feel."

The two looked and giggled at each other. 

After Margaret saved and healed her wounds, the two became good friends. Their relationship was more of a mother and daughter type. Adira was enjoying every moment of the friendship and she was grateful for it.

The two would sneak into each other's cubicles and spend time together before the guards would come to lock up their cages, and each cage must be locked with just one person inside.

In excitement Margaret whispered into Adira's ear.

"I have something that will interest you." 

She giggled. She crawled out of the cage and went outside the cubicle to check if anyone especially the guards was close by, when she saw no one was there, she was relieved, and crawled back into the cage to meet Adira.

"There is big event coming up, it's a slave auction ceremony." 

"Meaning slaves would be sold to different owners?" Adira asked immediately,interrupting her. 

"Yes and one might get lucky and meet a good master." Margaret replied.

Adira's face was quickly flushed with sadness. She turned her face towards the other side, trying to avoid contact with Margaret.

In a low sad tone she asked.

"What if you don't get lucky?" 

"Well, that's why I have this plan. We'll plan our exit, and we must escape that day."

Margaret replied.

Adira turned to face her in surprise, "How?" She shouted, forgetting the need for them to keep their voices down.

"'re a werewolf, I forgot for a while." She sounded, before hissing.

Being a slave and a werewolf was the only thing Adira knew about Margaret. After she healed her, Adira inquired to know more about her helper, but Margaret waved it away. 

"I told you earlier that I'm still not good with my powers yet, but I'm willing to learn and practice well, at least for our escape. Besides you shattered our moonstone and I still wonder how and why." Margaret replied.

"The Daris pack claimed I was a werewolf before I was brought here, thought I told you that?" Adira asked.

"What if you are Adira?"

"Oh please spare me that." She snapped, cautioning Margaret. She remembered what she just experienced with the werewolf and it pissed her off. 

She was caught in between being happy she wasn't killed, and sad that something strange was happening to her.

"Let's just concentrate on how to escape. Now tell me how we'll achieve that?" She said, trying to distract the thoughts.

Margaret was about to speak but got interrupted by the announcement the guards made.

They had come, and were requesting everyone to return to their cubicles.

The two women hissed before Margaret crawled out of Adira's cage.