Woke up in an iron cage

Williams sneezed out loudly. 

The stench from the clothes he was putting on had flooded his nose. 

He was just waking up, only to realize he was in a small iron cage placed in a cubicle. 

He was confused. The tunnel was the last place he remembered. 

He sneezed again and hit his body, to be sure he wasn't having a nightmare. 

He chuckled, then chuckled again. From there he began to laugh out loud. 

He wondered who would have the effrontery to capture a dignitary like him.

He was damn rich where he came from, and thought that werewolves worshiped money like humans do.

His money was not even of any use to them. Their currency was totally different and they cared less about what each human possessed.

He crawled to the cage and hit it violently, the noise sending vibrations to the dead silence.

He chuckled again and began to laugh.