Act Three: Scene One

(We find ourselves in a deeply unsettling place: domain of the Lady of the Night)

(The Airship has landed)

AM: The end palace, where our destinies take a fateful turn, prepare yourselves, my friends for what waits within.

Protagonist: How unsettling this place is. It has a foreboding atmosphere that chills the very bones.

Lord Preen: The lady of the night's domain is as sinister, as they say. This is a dark and perilous venture.

(The lady of the night emerges from the shadows)

(Movement Five: the shadow within plays)

Lady of the night: welcome, dear guests. It seems that the Adapetus Mechanical has brought me quite the gift today, your reward, Adapetus.

(She hands him a bag, containing his reward)

AM: (Generously accepting the bag) My dear lady of the night. Your generosity knows no true bounds.

(AM goes into the airship)

Protagonist: (Angry) Is he leaving us?

AM: (From amplifier on airship) My dear friends, it appears that my dealings with the lady of The Night have taken a dark turn. She has threatened to unleash her cult upon us to seize my airship in order to expand her malignant reach. I have no choice but to respond with force to protect myself.

(There was a mighty boom. Some of the cultists are repelled backwards violently)

(The end cultists advance towards the airships)

(A large black shape from above attempts to grab the airship, but it is too late. It is away)

(A cylindrical object is released before the airship is completely gone. It is trailing blue smoke and lands next to the remaining cultists outside, the cultists claw at their throats and then die)

(The lady of the night flees into the Palace)

End of Scene 1