
"Richard, although we all know that you are a great young man, you also know that the team wants to win more honors this year, so we must use every resource. Richard, we know that you are a Young man with potential, we know you can get better, but Richard, the team is encountering great difficulties now, and it is impossible for us to give every player a new contract. So I'm sorry, Richard, you need to look for A new club." A middle-aged man in a suit said apologetically to an handsome blond haired young man.

"Thank you, Tom. I know that I may not meet the team's requirements. My current strength is not enough to get a new contract from the team. I will leave the team at the weekend." The young man's dark blue eyes shined with despair for a moment before, he quickly smiled towards the middle-aged man.

"Richard, I hope you can find a good team." The middle-aged man sighed and patted the young man on the shoulder, "Richard, you are a great young man and your skills are also very good, but Richard, I hope You understand one thing, there are eleven players on the football field. If you want to win in the me, you need to trust your teammates. You are a midfielder, you need to organize the team's offense, and you also need to arrange For a good team's defense, a qualified midfielder needs to contribute to the team on both offense and defense. Richard, your skills are obvious to all, but I think everyone can see your shortcomings. You still have a lot Things need to be improved. Richard, you need to think carefully about the way you play, remember you are a midfielder, you need to grasp the team's rhythm on the field."

Richard looked at the middle-aged man who turned to leave with complicated eyes. The middle-aged man's words were like a heavy hammer hitting Richard's heart. Richard knew that what the middle-aged man said was very reasonable, and Richard also knew that he had shortcomings. Although Richard wants to get rid of his own shortcomings, the playing habit developed over more than ten years cannot be completely changed in a short time.

  "Dad, is there anything you need me to do?" There is a well-known restaurant in the suburbs of London. The owner of the restaurant is a middle-aged man. Although Richard was very frustrated, he still put up a smile in front of his parents. Walking into the restaurant with a smile, he saw the middle-aged man with his head lowered and busy cleaning the table.

  "You are back! There's nothing you need to help with. Your mother and I can handle it. You're tired from playing football, so you'd better go upstairs and rest." The middle-aged man looked up at Richard and smiled. .

  "Hey, son, tell mom how you performed today! I know my son must be the best on the team, and I think maybe you can enter the first team tomorrow! Well, yes, you can enter the first team tomorrow !" At this time, a middle-aged white woman who still had charm came out of the kitchen. When she saw the Richard woman, she hugged Richard with a smile and said.

  "Hey, son, I had a dream last night. I dreamed that you got the chance to join the England team! You were already in Germany at that time, and you were the core of England's midfield! Don't mention David Baker to me. Ham, he's not half as handsome as my son, and his football skills are no match for my son's; of course, let alone Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard. England just needs you to play. You can win the game!" The woman hugged Richard proudly and said proudly.

  "Hey, my dear mother, your son will become the best player, and I will become a player for the England national team. Don't worry, I will take you to Germany to watch the World Cup!" Although I know that this is just a matter of time. An unattainable dream, but Richard still smiled and said to the woman.

Hearing his Wife words, Richard Senior did not say anything but smiled. 

"Hey, isn't this our star of hope!Richard, you and Maria have a child that you are proud of. I think we are about to have a star in Lewisham that will shock the world! I really hope that my A child can be as outstanding as Richard. You must know that I am a die-hard fan of England. I need my child to be the savior of England!" At this time, a white and fat middle-aged man walked into the hotel.


Richard locked himself in his small room. At this time, he finally no longer had to show strength in front of his parents. Richard, who buried his head in the quilt, was so sad that he almost wanted to cry!

  "Am I really not suitable to continue playing football? Am I really not worthy of the team providing me with a contract?" Richard couldn't help but have some doubts. Richard, who was kicked out of the second-tier team, began to doubt his own strength. He even began to wonder if I was wrong from the beginning!

  "No, no, no! I can do it. I can become an excellent player. I can definitely be better than others. I can definitely be the most dazzling one on the football field!" Richard clenched his fists tightly and said firmly shouted in a low voice.

"Richard, although we all know that you are a great young man, you also know that the team wants to win more honors this year, so we must use every resource. Richard, we know that you are a Young man with potential, we know you can get better, but Richard…" But suddenly the scene during the day appeared in front of Richard's eyes. 

Richard buried his head in the pillow helplessly, and a deep fear struck Richard. "No! I can do better. I can definitely defeat those who look down on me!"

Richard was tossing and turning on the bed, unable to fall asleep, and Richard's thoughts suddenly poured out like a tide.

Richard's father, Richard Senior, is an authentic Englishman. After going through many hardships, he finally opened a small restaurant in the suburbs of London. At that time, he met Maria, a London girl; after several years of long-distance love, the two finally came together. It was at this time that Richard came to the world.

Richard's talent is very good. Although his height is not outstanding among children of the same age, and although his figure is not strong among children of the same age, among children of the same age, his football skills are the best. Gradually, many children of the same age appeared around Richard. They would cheer and play football on the street, and they would keep looking for children of similar age to compete.