Chapter 7: Target Amazon

Antonio didn't understand what "air for over a hundred dollars per liter" meant, but now he realized that the air in the shop was indeed exceptionally fresh.

Breathing felt incredibly comfortable.

"Is this... all thanks to these green plants?"

Antonio widened his mouth in disbelief.

"Green plants indeed have the effect of improving air quality, but this efficiency is too exaggerating!"

The shop's windows were open, which meant that in a non-enclosed environment, the air purification effect of these green plants was greater than that of a high-end air purifier!

And the most important thing was that he didn't feel any breeze at all!

If green plants had such efficiency, the manufacturers of air purifiers, which have recently become popular, would be bankrupt!

"These are special varieties I developed. They are still in the experimental stage, and the production is limited, so they are only displayed and sold as potted plants in the shop."

Oaks pointed to a row of seemingly ordinary plant species on the shelves.

"Although they look similar to common indoor plants, their air purification efficiency is dozens of times higher. They can not only absorb particulate pollutants like PM2.5 but also purify formaldehyde and regenerate oxygen at the same rate."

"So, even though my shop is just a small plant shop, it has gained some reputation within certain circles in the past year."

Antonio trembled with excitement. The customers who came to buy potted plants completely underestimated the great scientific achievements they were obtaining!

"Oh, it's getting late..."

Oaks touched his stomach and realized that it was already 5 o'clock. With all these things happening, he hadn't had lunch yet.

And today, Goose moved in, so he needed to buy canned food and freeze-dried food.

As for cat litter...

Are you insulting the intelligence of a Tesseract-devouring alien?

"Let's go. Today is my birthday, and I'll treat you to some food."

"Your birthday... today?"

"What's wrong?"


Antonio swallowed nervously.

September 22nd, the last day of Virgo.

It was said that children born on this day would have particularly severe compulsions.


A week passed, and Antonio's study life abroad entered a new chapter.

"To meet Dr. Woods is the biggest luck in my Study life abroad!

Dr. Woods is a true genius, not only strong in scientific research, but also humorous, approachable!"

Posting a photo with Oaks in Social media, Antonio unexpectedly received a flurry of likes and comments from his parents, relatives, senior and junior students, and even professors.

Envy, jealousy, and hatred, ah!

"Antonio, I'm leaving now. I'll leave the shop to you."

Oaks' voice came from downstairs, and Antonio quickly closed his laptop. This was bought at a discount through educational channels. As a scientist, Oaks' personal computer was obviously not something Antonio could casually use.

This laptop could serve both as a tool for managing the shop and for studying, and its specifications and price were suitable.

The new laptop and mobile phone were bought with two months' advance salary for Antonio.

When Antonio learned that he could receive a salary advance, he laughed like a fool, bubbling with joy.

"Don't worry, Mr. Oaks! I've got it!"

Antonio went downstairs with his laptop, and Oaks, dressed casually in a hoodie and casual attire, was bidding farewell to Goose.

"Mr. Oaks, aren't you bringing any luggage?" asked Antonio.

"It's just preliminary preparations. The necessary instruments and supplies have already been shipped in advance," Oaks replied.

He raised his sunglasses, whispered something to Goose, who straightened up, and nodded.

"Then, see you in a week."

"Yes, Mr. Oaks. Have a safe journey."

Antonio picked up Goose—now he was no longer afraid of Goose at all, and had even advanced to become its dedicated litter box attendant—

However, Goose's high intelligence made it even more proficient at using the toilet here than Antonio, making Antonio's role as a litter box attendant somewhat useless.

Oaks waved his hand, opened the door, and walked out, glancing left and right before heading towards a small alley with no people.

After a while, a little bird shot up into the sky, soaring high.

The White-throated Needletail, currently the fastest bird in flight on Earth, was the aerial form chosen by Oaks.

With an average flight speed of 170 kilometers per hour, and a maximum speed of up to 352 kilometers per hour, it was truly as fast as an arrow.

Moreover, being so small in size, even the most advanced military radar couldn't detect it.

If it was only a simple transformation into a White-throated Needletail, the speed would naturally be limited to what this bird could achieve.

But Oaks' transformation into the White-throated Needletail form was obviously not that simple.

A faint green light enveloped the little bird, and with a flap of Oaks' wings, his speed suddenly skyrocketed.

A small sonic boom erupted, and in the next instant, Oaks' flying speed had already exceeded the speed of sound!

However, in this state, his defensive power was weak. If he were to crash into something, it wouldn't end well.

"This is the unscientific side of magic..."

In an instant, Oaks was already above the ocean.

"Destination: the Amazon rainforest!"

As a druid, there was no place on Earth that could compare to the Amazon rainforest in terms of Oaks' longing.

Although the deep parts of the Amazon rainforest were extremely dangerous forbidden areas for humans, for Oaks, who had a nature's heart and affinity with nature, it could be considered his home turf.

Even before his flying speed reached supersonic levels a few years ago, Oaks had already been there a few times. Some of the special tropical plants in his shop were also brought back from there.

As the world's largest tropical rainforest, known as the "lungs of the Earth," the Amazon rainforest plays an important role in the Earth's ecosystem.

And as a place for his druid training...

It was undoubtedly the most suitable place on Earth.

The rainforest was filled with dangers, unique plants, fierce beasts, strange insects, and countless threats that even the most elite modern exploration teams couldn't guarantee safety against.

So, if he were to make a big magical experiment here, he wouldn't have to worry about being discovered.

Descending from high altitude, landing on the ground... No, transforming into a cheetah form, although not as suitable for the rainforest environment as a jaguar, it was still manageable.

He traveled along the Amazon River, exploring the vast rainforest, using his Nature magic to sense the endless nature energy.

During these few days, Oaks would continue to deepen his connection with this vast rainforest and further enhance his proficiency in Nature magic.

In this rainforest, Oaks would receive a powerful natural boost, which was also an extremely important factor for Oaks' intention to engage in environmental protection.

The more robust and complete the ecosystem, the stronger Oaks would become.

Riding on the global environmental consciousness, when Oaks' proficiency in Nature magic could harness the power of the Earth's ecosystem, he would have the capital to leap forward as a cosmic-level powerhouse...


His thoughts suddenly interrupted, Oaks paused and stopped walking.

The cheetah form possessed a special perception ability—detecting humanoid beings.

And the saying "the forest is my domain" wasn't an exaggeration for a druid.

Now, with Oaks' enhanced senses multiplied several hundred times, there was a human presence in the distance!

"How could someone venture so deep?" Oaks muttered. This was already deep within the rainforest, so who would dare to come here alone?


Disappearing from sight, Oaks activated his stealth ability and slowly approached the target.


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