Chapter 18: Environmental Protection Foundation

"Analysis test 10,021, in progress..."

Tony stared wearily at the holographic display in front of him, where various data was flashing.

His AI robotic arm clumsily held a cup of coffee and moved it towards him. Tony absentmindedly took it.

"Good job, buddy, but I won't forget that you spilled coffee on my workbench earlier."

The robotic arm twitched its claw awkwardly while emitting a strange mechanical sound, and slowly returned to its original position.

"This is the last one..."

Tony furrowed his brow as several key data suddenly turned red, and J.A.R.V.I.S. 's voice sounded.

"Analysis failed, sir."

The word "Failed" appeared prominently on the holographic display in front of Tony. He impatiently waved his hand and dismissed the display.

"Is there any other method?"

"All methods have been tried, sir."

J.A.R.V.I.S.'s tone remained calm.

"The sample contains a unique energy radiation that current detection devices cannot detect. This energy radiation is extremely beneficial to the human body, significantly promoting metabolism and replenishing physical energy consumption. It is completely different from any known energy source."

"What about the green plants?"

Tony pinched his chin and took another sip of coffee, feeling more refreshed.

"These green plants have such high purification efficiency. How are they different from ordinary plants?"

"Those green plants also possess a special energy radiation. The similarity between their energy radiation and the energy radiation in the potion sample is 99%. The 1% difference can account for the difference in their effects."

"And what about replication?"

"Based on the existing data, attempts to replicate the restorative potion have been unsuccessful. It only results in an ordinary drink rich in protein, fiber, and chlorophyll."

"Like vegetable juice?"

"That's correct, sir."

Tony sighed and placed the empty coffee cup on the workbench. He scratched his head with both hands.

"Well... I admit I failed. It was just a charity sponsorship fee, nothing major."

"Shall I mark this job as completed, sir?"

"Yes, mark it."

"Very well, sir."

J.A.R.V.I.S. packed up the remaining holographic displays and projected a new one in front of Tony.

"Miss Potts will be arriving in five minutes."

"Five minutes?!"

Tony abruptly looked up and rubbed his tired eyes.

"Do we have any more of the potion?"

"It has been completely used up, sir."

"Why didn't we keep any reserves?!"

"A week ago, you used up both samples for personal reasons, and this time for testing, the sample was provided by Happy. It was barely enough."

"... "

Tony stood up but felt a moment of weakness.

"Pepper... Did she say why she's coming?"

"On her application, she stated that she needs your approval for an unplanned medical expense, as it will be charged to your personal account."

J.A.R.V.I.S. projected Pepper's application in front of Tony, leaving him momentarily stunned.

"Medical expenses? I'm perfectly fine!"

"It's for those cover models, sir."

Tony watched J.A.R.V.I.S. project a list of medical expenses.

"Their talent agencies pointed out that attending your party caused their bodies... to sustain some minor injuries that will affect their work for the next week.

Miss Potts reached an agreement with several talent agencies regarding medical and other expenses just yesterday."

Tony slapped his forehead with his hand.

"Oh, shoot!"


Tony's method of appeasing his female assistant's anger was to take her to Oaks's Emerald Dream plants shop, hoping that the miraculous potion could calm her down.

Of course, the female assistant also needed to draft a charity sponsorship plan for the environmental cause in New York during the car ride.

But Tony came up empty-handed.

"He's not here? When will he be back?"

Tony looked at the Antonio and discreetly glanced at the smiling female assistant. He cleared his throat.

"Uh, about that potion, do you still have any left? I'll take them all!"

"Ah, of course, Mr. Stark."

Only then did Antonio realize that the "Mr. Driver" he saw at Miss Carter's place was none other than the famous Tony Stark.

And he had ridden in his car!

No wonder he said his car usually didn't carry men. Today, he was traveling with a beautiful woman.

But wouldn't the women get car sick?

"Mr. Oaks went to the Amazon rainforest for a field study three days ago. The samples he uploaded last time caught the attention of botanists."

Antonio retrieved ten bottles of the restorative potion from under the counter and placed them in an exquisite gift box, handing them to Tony.

"These are the ones Mr. Oaks left behind. He emphasized that, um... there are no discounts for buying more, but you'll get coffee beans as a gift."

"Thank you, just give them to me. He's not used to receiving things from others."

Pepper smiled as she took the gift box and a large bag of coffee beans from Antonio. Tony forced out a one-second smile.

"Yes, that's right... I'll pay in full."

Pepper handed Antonio a credit card, while Tony turned his head and surveyed the shelves once again filled with green plants. He tilted his head.

"When Oaks comes back, I'll come by again. Oh, and you'd better buy a copy of tomorrow's New York Times as a keepsake."

"The New York Times?" Antonio was puzzled.

"Because tomorrow's newspaper will feature the great Tony Stark, who, in his personal capacity, has donated $10 million to establish an environmental protection foundation in support of New York's environmental cause."

Pepper put away the card. Although she had a sarcastic tone, her gaze towards Tony became much gentler.

"And Mr. Oaks Woods is Tony's partner."


While Antonio was still in a daze, Tony had already left with Pepper.

"Pepper, get me Rhodey on the line."

"Colonel Rhodes? Tony, you have a meeting to attend."

"Postpone it."

Seated in the driver's seat, Tony took the phone handed to him by Pepper.

"Hey, Rhodey."

The call connected, and Tony's friend, Colonel James Rhodes, from the U.S. Air Force Weapons Development Division, greeted him with a teasing tone.

"Hey, Tony, did you resolve the matter with the ladies?"

"...Pepper made the call for me."

"Oh~ Does the great Tony Stark care about such things?"

Rhodey feigned surprise and made a sarcastic comment before getting to the point.

"Since you have Pepper with you, why did you think of calling me?"

"I need you to check the departure records of a friend."

Tony was silent for two seconds before continuing.

"After considering him a friend, I decided not to dig into his information anymore. But this time, there's a special reason—"

"Just tell me if my friend has any departure records in the past three days before today."

"Oh, it's fortunate that you called me instead of hacking into the Immigration and Customs Enforcement server yourself."

Rhodey's tone became serious.

It wasn't easy for Tony to call someone a friend. Usually, he played along for appearances. The only true friends he had were Happy and Rhodey. God only knows how this newcomer could tolerate Tony's eccentric thought process.

"Hey! Rhodey, are you thinking something bad? I'll apologize to him later."

"...Alright, give me the name, and I'll get back to you with the results."

They hung up, and Tony sent Oaks's name to Rhodey. Then he started the sports car.

"If this guy doesn't have any departure records, it'll be interesting."


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