Chapter 70: Exhibition at the Expo

"Oaks, is it really okay for me to come along?"

Dr. Bruce Banner was feeling a bit restless as he adjusted his new suit. Oaks and Dr. Yinsen were by his side, along with the excited Antonio.

"Of course, why not?"

Oaks glanced at his watch, it was about time to leave.

"We have products to showcase, and as the chief scientist of our company, Dr. Banner, you should personally go to the venue."

"That's right, Bruce. The perfection of 'Steel' couldn't have been achieved without your help. Your contribution is of utmost importance in quickly transforming it from an experimental product to a commercial standard."

Dr. Yinsen smiled and pushed his glasses up. Today, as the inventor of the mechanical prosthetic, 'Steel' series, he would personally go on stage for the demonstration.

The exhibition was scheduled for the afternoon, and Justin Hammer's demonstration would follow after dinner.

Blaze Clark, the vice president of the Benevolent Society and the first beneficiary, had already gone to the venue to prepare. He was accompanied by legal advisor Matt Murdock and the seasoned driver Melinda.

And the reason why Antonio was so excited...

Mainly because the driver who would be taking them there had changed from Melinda to Sharon Carter.

Miss Carter was not only beautiful and polite, but also drove exceptionally well.

Of course, the two "liaison officers" from S.H.I.E.L.D. were also present, primarily because Oaks and Banner were going.

After Oaks showed off his skills in front of Nick Fury, the guy sent Oaks his old client.

It wasn't just Banner now, in case Oaks caused another "accident" someday, he would go crazy.

Although Oaks explained to him that it took a long time to accomplish that, Nick Fury wouldn't believe it.

Anyway, what Nick Fury agreed to was not sending agents to Oaks' company, but he didn't say anything about not assigning liaison officers to the Benevolent Society under S.H.I.E.L.D., did he?

Your offices are just a street apart, can't an employee of one boss visit the other?

Although the Benevolent Society's mission was to be upright and aboveboard, even if a hundred agents were sent, they wouldn't be afraid of being investigated. But Oaks was still annoyed...

But he had adjusted to it now. S.H.I.E.L.D. wouldn't be around for many more years anyway, and at least Nick Fury hadn't sent any HYDRA agents over.

Furthermore, wasn't Miss Carter here to do some grunt work for the Benevolent Society? And she could handle several people alone.

Melinda had already proven this point sufficiently.

"I feel honored to be accompanying the three of you..."

Antonio looked emotional. Including the previously launched Air Purifying Green Plant 'Air Guardian I' and the 'Beverage Acorn,' he would have a whole summer to brag about when he returns home this year.

"But, shouldn't we be leaving now? Although the venue is not far from the Queens, the traffic at this time is not optimistic…

Miss Carter is still waiting..."

"So, you deliberately held back and squeezed into a five-seater car with us just for Miss Carter?"



Although the Oak Tree Environmental Technology Company had only recently been established, its founder, Dr. Oaks Woods, was not an unknown figure.

Perhaps at other industrial expos, the audience and the media wouldn't have any special impressions of a startup company that focused on environmental technology and had two products that fell under the field of biotechnology. But things are different now.

Dr. Oaks Woods is a close friend of Tony Stark. They co-founded an environmental foundation, and Stark even gave his company an Arc Reactor!

And the most suspicious thing was...

During the previous hearing, how did Tony Stark refute Senator Stern's demand for him to hand over the Iron Man armor technology?

He said, "It's a high-tech prosthetic limb!"

And not long after that, the Oak Tree Environmental Technology Company actually developed a mechanical prosthetic limb...

Reporters and onlookers flocked to the venue like sharks smelling blood, filling it to the brim.

Dr. Yinsen's introduction and Blaze Clark's demonstration were truly a visual feast for anyone interested.

Some industry experts had already noticed the resemblance of the mechanical prosthetics technology to the Iron Man armor.

After the demonstrations, Oaks took the stage on behalf of Dr. Yinsen to deliver a speech.

"Mechanical prosthetics, the 'Steel' series, is full of technological appeal, right?"

Oaks waved his hand to the audience, eliciting laughter.

"Compared to the most technologically advanced 'high-tech prosthetics' available today, any similar product seems to have its shadow—

But it's just a shadow."

Laughter erupted from the audience, and those who were confused quickly understood the joke with the explanation from those around them.

"The difficulty in achieving mechanical prosthetics has always been not because the mechanical structures cannot be made, but rather the effective integration of machinery with the human body."

Oaks pointed to the demonstration screen, which displayed a simple explanation of the human nervous system and the principles of mechanical control.

"Many people are already familiar with Tony's Iron Man armor, which can directly simulate human movements through the combination of brainwaves and AI, as if it were... an all-encompassing exoskeleton."

"But the mechanical prosthetics showcased by our Oak Tree Environmental Technology Company are completely different."

A special device appeared on the demonstration screen, positioned between the machinery and the nerves.

"With our exclusive development of the neural interface device, our mechanical prosthetics achieve the perfect connection between neural signals and mechanical signals, seamlessly integrating with the human neural muscles—"

"Of course, this is not our exclusive technology. Although the principles are different, there are other devices that achieve similar effects—"

"But their cost is beyond the reach of ordinary people—without exception!"

"Our neural interface technology drastically reduces costs—it's even cheaper than many luxury cars!"

"That's the revolutionary significance of this invention!"

At least within S.H.I.E.L.D., although most people were unaware, there were indeed powerful combat mechanical arms.

Oaks didn't explicitly mention this, but those who needed to know were aware. Moreover, these modifications often came with great risks.

However, it was clear that Oaks' case was different.

"Safe and harmless, risks minimized—our Mr. Clark only slept for half an hour and woke up with his own legs again!"

Oaks raised both arms, eliciting enthusiastic cheers from the audience.

"As the founder of Oak Tree Environmental Technology Company, I promise to continue iterating our products, reducing costs. And to prove that I'm not just talking through PowerPoint..."

Pausing for a moment, Oaks loudly announced:

"As the Chairman of the Benevolent Society, starting next month, we will prioritize supplying this technology to the Benevolent society as internal recognition—providing the 'Steel' series for free to outstanding members with limb disabilities!"

"In late September, the 'Steel' series will officially launch!"

Amidst countless flashes, camera shutters, applause, and admiration, Oaks' figure spread across various locations through the live broadcast.

"Dr. Oaks Woods..."

In a laboratory in Tennessee, a television played the live showcase of Oaks.

A female botanist on break looked at the young man with a renowned name in the industry and couldn't help but shift her gaze to the project proposal on her desk.

"Regeneration of Lost Limbs, Experiment Plan No. 213—A.I.M."


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