Chapter 76: Beautiful Long Hair

After Banner arrived, there was no time for small talk as they immediately started their intense work.

It was already afternoon, and since it was confirmed that the hammer had an owner, the sooner they gathered more information, the better.

While Banner was working, Coulson commanded his team to set up defenses in Puente Antiguo, and Oaks didn't idle either.

He refined the Arcane (cosmic) energy he had collected during this period of time.

Last time, in order to destroy the Abomination, he had used up all the Cosmic energy accumulated in his SMART car and showed off in front of Nick Fury. As a result, even though Baldy didn't bow down, he insisted on having Oaks come over here.

The plan had undergone some changes, but it didn't seem like a bad thing. He had already come up with a new set of measures to deal with it.

Just as Oaks had been working for a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Consultant Oaks, I'm Level 6 Agent Sitwell. Agent Coulson asked me to deliver some documents to you."

Oaks raised an eyebrow, set aside the cosmic energy in his hand, and got up to open the door.

"Please come in, Agent Sitwell. It seems like Coulson is busy."

Sitwell, the bald man with glasses, stood outside the door holding a file box. He smiled and walked in, handing the file box to Oaks.

"Agent Coulson is busy arranging defenses based on your suggestions. The surveillance and air control tasks at the base have been assigned to me."

"I see."

Oaks smiled and took the file box handed over by the experienced Hydra agent.

"Is everything going well with Dr. Banner?"

"Dr. Banner has just analyzed some of the data, and it has already been confirmed that the material constituting the hammer is not a known substance on Earth... It is indeed from extraterrestrial civilization."

Sitwell shrugged.

"Although we had anticipated it, we were still taken aback when the results came out. Now, Dr. Banner has discovered that the hammer seems to contain a special energy, and he is working hard to figure it out."

"Heh... I can't be of much help in that regard, but when needed, I will appear as soon as possible."

Oaks opened the file box in his hand and took out the materials inside— it was the "Practical Techniques for Metal Cutting" that he had asked Coulson to print.

"Uh... At the moment, we haven't even been able to take a single sample from that hammer."

A glint flashed in Sitwell's glasses.

"And Dr. Banner has no way to do it either... Could it be that you..."

"Ah, don't misunderstand. I've been interested in action figures recently, and the design of this hammer is pretty good. I want to try making a replica."

"Oh? That's really great. By the way, I was in charge of the lab for this hammer before Dr. Banner arrived. Maybe I can provide you with some parameters."

Oaks unexpectedly glanced at Sitwell and smiled.

"That would be fantastic. Let's have a chat... Hopefully, it won't delay your work."

"Of course not."

They had a friendly conversation for about an hour when Sitwell's earpiece received a call from Coulson.

"...Sorry, there's work to do."

Sitwell took a deep breath, looked at Oaks deeply, and smiled apologetically.

"Then, I'll take my leave. It was a pleasure talking to you."

"The feeling is mutual... By the way, please ask them not to disturb me until dinner, if possible."

"Of course."

Sitwell slightly bowed and then walked out, closing the door behind him.

As a Level 6 agent, he couldn't meddle in what a Level 9 "environmental consultant" was doing.

Being able to have a pleasant chat was an unexpected gain.

Oaks shook his head.

Level 9 classified... It seems that someone finally has some ideas.

And as the sun set and darkness fell, the searchlight in the temporary base turned on. In the lounge, Oaks put away the cosmic energy in his hand.

In order not to affect the nearby testing equipment, Oaks spent a lot of effort to shield the energy leakage while keeping his energy perception open.

And now, he sensed the arrival of an unexpected guest, or rather, two unexpected guests.

Looking up at the darkened sky outside the window, Oaks frowned and picked up the wireless earpiece next to him.

"So soon, there's going to be a thunderstorm..."


Lightning flashed across the sky, obscuring even the stars—

In this stargazing paradise with little rain throughout the year, a rare thunderstorm arrived, and dark clouds gathered in an instant—

Although it was nighttime, people could still barely see the dense clouds overhead and the occasional flicker of lightning within the clouds.

Before long, the alarm sounded, and the entire temporary base went into a state of alert.

"Consultant Oaks, someone has broken in... Our defenses have been breached."

Coulson's voice came through the earpiece:

"A white male in his twenties... Also, his hair is exceptionally beautiful."


"...Accurate description. You guessed it right. His hairstyle is exactly like that of the male protagonist in 'Point Break.'"

"Do we need to take action, sir?"

Barton, who was already in the position, appeared on the channel:

"At this location, a single strike would be fatal... but his hair is indeed beautiful."

"Wait a moment... Consultant Oaks?"

"I'm on my way. How is Dr. Banner doing?"

Oaks resisted the urge to retort, left the room, and went directly to the central area.

At that moment, heavy rain poured down.

"The hammer suddenly released a strong electrical surge, damaging Dr. Banner's equipment... and our communication has been disrupted. Only the walkie-talkies are temporarily functional."

In the channel, Coulson's tone became solemn:

"Consultant Oaks, if he is indeed the 'owner of the hammer,' we might need the power of the Hulk."

"Let's see first. Dr. Banner should be able to handle it."

As Oaks spoke, the disturbance caused by the intruder had approached the central area, but a particularly skilled agent had already engaged him and fought their way outside the corridor.

"Consultant Oaks, although this intruder's skills appear to be highly proficient, he should still be within the capabilities of a human."

"Indeed, for 'now,' he is just a 'stronger than average' 'ordinary person.'"

Oaks sensed the life force of the Crown Prince of Asgard and shook his head gently:

"But Coulson, although his life force appears ordinary, it is indeed the same as the residual energy on the hammer."

"So he is indeed not an Earthling..."

Coulson sighed:

"I'm starting to wonder what this 'ordinary person' will become once he gets hold of the hammer."

"Don't worry, you have me and Banner."


As they spoke, the rain-soaked Thor had defeated the last "enemy" and successfully reached the Mjolnir.

With a relieved and radiant smile, he reached out and grabbed the handle of the hammer—

Nothing happened.

Under the vigilance of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move his weapon even the slightest bit.


Unwillingness, pain, confusion, regret...

Various complex emotions entwined in this roar towards the sky, making one can't help but wonder, what has this person experienced?

Banner pushed his glasses up his nose and said, "I feel that he must be a broken-hearted person."

Barton, still aiming at Thor, said, "I think I'm starting to like this guy."

But Oaks didn't have such thoughts.

"Why do aliens always speak English?"


Coulson took a deep breath, immersed in this solemn scene, and Consultant Oaks's words almost broke his composure.

Thor knelt down helplessly, letting the rain wash over his body.

Thunder continued to rumble in the sky, and he gazed blankly, unable to utter a word.

Coulson silently watched everything, then raised the walkie-talkie in his hand:

"Alright, the show is over. Ground troops, move out."


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