Chapter 78: Are We Friends?

"Sorry for the interruption."

Coulson gave a signal to Oaks, stood up, and walked out of the interrogation room. Oaks smiled at Thor:

"Mr. Thor, take your time to gather your thoughts... we'll see you shortly."

Once outside the interrogation room and after closing the door, Coulson could no longer hide his expression:

"Consultant Oaks, do you really believe what he said?!"

"He can't provide evidence to prove his claims, but we also can't provide evidence to prove he's lying."

Oaks casually glanced at the interrogation room. He sensed a new wave of magical power...

Looking at Mjolnir, still sitting obediently at the center of the camp, Oaks shrugged:

"Unfortunately, the evidence we currently have aligns with some aspects of his claims."

"A hammer made of non-Earth materials, and with the appearance of... Thor, the hammer exhibits unprecedented reactions, specifically electrical surges—

That's a common phenomenon in thunderstorms. In other words, a hammer that can create thunder?"

"But that sounds too fantastical."

Coulson's speech speed increased, showing his excitement.

"That's mythology, after all!"

"The technology we possess now was considered mythology in ancient times."

Oaks snapped his fingers, and a wiggling dandelion appeared from Coulson's suit pocket:

"How about this move? Is it more impressive than the Druids in mythology?"


Oaks patted Coulson on the shoulder and laughed:

"Don't be too surprised, Coulson. Think about it, Goose.

Alien beings can appear on Earth and have connections with Director Fury. So, it's not unthinkable for another extraterrestrial being, mistaken as a 'god' by ancient people, to appear."


Coulson pondered for a moment and realized that it was indeed plausible. He even began to suspect that Director Fury knew something else.

Because he knew that the Director recently sent some people to investigate in Norway.

And Norway...

Is the birthplace of Norse mythology.

"Of course, until we have concrete evidence of his identity, let's first see what he wants to do—

After all, he's just an ordinary person for now, and coincidentally, I'm quite familiar with Norse mythology—

When I studied Celtic mythology, I also happened to learn about Ireland and Britain, which are not far from Norway."

Sensing the disappearance of another magical presence in the interrogation room, which appeared next to Mjolnir, Oaks subtly curled his lips:

"Let's go. At least he's willing to communicate, and I just remembered something quite awkward."

"What is it?"

"...In Norse mythology, Earth is called Midgard, and unfortunately, Midgard is a territory belonging to Asgard."


Returning to the interrogation room, Coulson keenly noticed that the man who identified himself as "Thor Odinson" seemed to exude even more... sorrow than before.

"It seems like you've been contemplating a lot."

Coulson gazed at him steadily for a while, then nodded to Oaks:

"We can start, Consultant Oaks."

"Well, Mr. Thor, let's assume for now that you are indeed the son of Allfather Odin, the Thunder God Thor. So, you come from..."


Thor's voice seemed devoid of any resistance:

"I arrived here through Bifrost. Is this place... Midgard?"

"...Indeed, in mythology, Earth does have such a name. If Asgard is called the 'Realm of Gods,' then Earth, also known as Midgard, is referred to as the 'Middle Court.'"

Oaks squinted his eyes, indicating that Thor had received some guidance earlier.

"So... Mr. Thor, what can we assist you with during your visit to Earth?"

"I... originally just wanted to go home, but now..."

Thor recalled the astonishing information he had just received, and he couldn't help but feel despondent once again.

"At the moment, I just want some peace and quiet."


The door to the interrogation room opened, and an Agent appeared at the entrance:

"Somebody wants to see him."

Oaks and Coulson exchanged glances, and Coulson stood up and followed the Agent out. Oaks smiled:

"It seems, Mr. Thor, that you've made some new friends on Earth. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing..."

"Please don't hurt them!"

Thor suddenly looked up and stared at Oaks with unusual seriousness:

"They are good people."

"Of course, in fact, we are also good people. We just consider many more factors than they do."

Oaks snapped his fingers, and a cluster of emerald green light wrapped around Thor, healing the wounds he had caused when he first barged in:

"I also possess some special abilities. In some aspects, I am similar to you... S.H.I.E.L.D. has expressed caution towards me as well, but ultimately, we manage to get along."

"If you come in peace, we will certainly welcome you with a peaceful attitude..."

In Oaks' perception, Coulson had already met the person who wanted to see Thor. He smiled again.

"Earth doesn't need gods, but we welcome friends."

"...You remind me of Freyr."

"Consultant Oaks."

Coulson's voice came through Oaks's earpiece:

"Dr. Selvig came, but... he said the person in front of you is called 'Donald Blake,' a medical doctor and a 'current physicist.'"

There was a hint of amusement in his voice:

"We... obtained 'his' identity information. According to Dr. Selvig, he forcefully entered here because we seized their research data."

"Well... it's full of loopholes, but it can barely pass as a reason."

Oaks glanced playfully at the puzzled Thor, lowering his voice:

"Perhaps our Thunder God indeed needs some peace and quiet. What do you think?"

"Do we need Dr. Banner to intervene?"

"There will be a chance, but for now, they might not be in the mood for research. I guess they'll go have a drink."

"That's indeed a relaxing idea."

Coulson fell silent for a moment:

"But my agents might not be able to keep an eye on them."

"I'll go myself."

"That's good."

After ending the communication, Oaks turned to Thor, who looked bewildered:

"Your 'colleague' will come to pick you up later. I hope you can calmly consider what you should do next...

If you encounter any difficulties, feel free to come find me. Here's my business card."

Walking up to Thor and handing him the card, Oaks said.

"I am also a scientist, and I love exploring the unknown...

So, if you are a friend, your friends will also be my friends, and the 'seizure' among friends is just a little joke...

So, are you a 'friend' then?"


Dr. Selvig walked in with an exaggerated expression, awkwardly nodding to Oaks:

"Um... Can I take him away now?"

"Of course, please go ahead."


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