Chapter 105: Return of the Wild Instinct

When Pierce himself learned of Captain America's reappearance, he almost couldn't control his emotions. But with his position, Nick Fury naturally thought it was excessive excitement on Pierce's part.

If someone as cunning as him would make such a mistake. Then It was easy to imagine how loyal Hydra operatives and civilian personnel who were steadfast in their beliefs but had not undergone agent training would react.

The impact of Captain America on Hydra was immense, and their hatred ran deep. Even though almost seventy years had passed, the current members of Hydra were hardly direct disciples of the Red Skull. However, over those seventy years, Hydra had always served as a stepping stone for Captain America's heroic image.

This meant that even if Captain America was "dead," he had spent seventy years berating Hydra as "losers."

It was fine when he was "dead"; there was no need to hold a grudge against a dead man.

But now this "dead man" had come back to life, and the troubles left unresolved by their leader, the Red Skull, were now left for them, the descendants...

It made one quite impatient.

Captain America had fought Hydra his whole life, and his instincts toward them were incredibly sharp. Although he currently didn't trust S.H.I.E.L.D., there would come a day when he would undoubtedly join them. Because neither the U.S. government nor the U.S. military welcomed him, and if he didn't join S.H.I.E.L.D., this hero who had been "deified" wouldn't be able to fulfill his potential.

That was not something S.H.I.E.L.D. would allow.

By that time, if the organization hadn't undergone targeted training, inexperienced young members would easily be noticed by the other side.

That would be troublesome.

"The ultimate plan is being implemented, but there are still some obstacles... However, the appearance of the Asgardians has made the attitude of the Council loosen up a bit."

Pierce looked seriously at the solemn Sitwell.

"I believe they will agree to this plan, but it will take some more time. Although the support of the U.S. President is crucial, it's not necessary as long as he doesn't interfere. But during this period, no more issues can arise, including that somewhat mysterious Benevolence Society. Let's temporarily ignore them.

Once the plan succeeds, we will accomplish a feat that even the leader, the Red Skull, didn't achieve in his time!"

"Yes, Mr. Secretary! There won't be any mistakes!"

Sitwell's face was solemn as he spoke in a low voice.

"Hail Hydra!"

"Hail Hydra!"


While Hydra was actively deploying the next step of their strategic plan, at the "branch" of Benevolence Society on the coast of Brooklyn, Captain Rogers was engaged in the longest sparring session with Oaks to date.

In the past, battles often ended within seconds to minutes, but now the two of them had been fighting for nearly half an hour.

Although Steve tried to avoid using excessive force, he was gradually exerting more power.

Because of Oaks' feral instincts, Steve, despite being skilled in various combat techniques, couldn't even get a solid grip on him.

Oaks' intuition was astonishingly strong, and Steve could sense that he was dodging the majority of his attacks purely based on instinct.

As for the remaining part, Oaks could rely on his power and speed that surpassed Steve's abilities to neutralize them.

Finally, Steve burst into laughter.

"This is exhilarating! I'm going all out now!"

"Bring it on!"

As Steve unleashed his full strength, Oaks suddenly felt immense pressure, and after a few moves, he was already drenched in sweat.

However, he sensed it—it was today!

"Haven't you eaten, Steve!"

He also burst into laughter.

"Or is it my plant-based protein beef that's causing your muscles to disappear?!"

"It's not easy for my muscles to disappear!"

Steve's lips curled up slightly, and he increased the intensity a bit. Oaks instantly became flustered—being able to instinctively react and being able to dodge were two different things!

Facing Captain America's peak human strength, Oaks could only feel his hair standing on end, but that long-lost feeling had returned!


With a resounding roar, the trees around the training ground seemed to tremble. Old man Carter sitting there watching exclaimed, "Oh!" as he adjusted his hat, which was almost blown away by the pressure, and turned his head to glance at Matt, who was still diligently following the "physical training program."

"Tsk... What a shame."

He couldn't see.

So, he wasn't affected by this scene—the scene of Oaks being punched into the ground, healing himself, and then bouncing back up to continue training had happened many times during this period.

But now, it was as if that scene from the past with the Amazons was replaying itself, except that Oaks' opponent had become Captain America.

Steve's mighty blow was firmly blocked by a bear paw emanating a faint green light.

"This is... incredible!"

Although Steve had witnessed various plants developed by Oaks and his incredible healing abilities these past few days, it was his first time witnessing this kind of transformation.

But as a recipient of the Super Soldier Serum himself, Steve's acceptance of this "scientific miracle" was evidently quite high.

"So, this is your combat form?"

Although Oaks had warned him about suddenly returning to his combat form, Steve couldn't help but be surprised by someone turning into a bear...

He was extremely excited!

"While I have fought many enemies, honestly, I have never fought... such a unique opponent before."

Oaks as a brown bear seemed even larger than before. This time, with the recovery of his transformation ability, his beast form had indeed been strengthened in all aspects.

Steve's eyes gleamed as he pulled back his fist and took on a combat stance once again.

"Your strength is formidable... If it were back then... Hey!"

Oaks charged forward:

"Back then? Don't dwell on the past, buddy—people need to look forward!"


Steve was slapped by Oaks and sent flying near an old truck. He chuckled and stood up:

"Alright, but it's not easy—ha, not bad!"

He picked up the fallen truck door from the ground, revealing a smile.

"Although it's not as handy as my old buddy... But I'm different now!"

"Oh? Indeed, only a shield-wielding tank can be called an MT(main tank)!"

Oaks said something Steve couldn't understand, then his figure flickered, transforming into a nimble cheetah. Its dagger-like fangs and sharp claws widened Steve's eyes:

"You can still transform?!"

"If you're still stuck in the past, I'll wake you up with a punch—

As someone as special as you, you shouldn't be staring at your girlfriend's photo all day without a care for anything else!"

"I eat plenty!"

Steve exclaimed, firmly defending against Oaks, whose speed had dramatically increased. However, he noticed that Oaks' strength had decreased too much and couldn't help but raise an eyebrow:

"I see, different forms correspond to different combat styles... Come on!"

Oaks dissipated the nature energy that had imbued his claws and licked his sharp teeth with his crimson tongue:

"Don't worry, no matter how badly you're injured, I can heal you... After the fight, I'll accompany you to meet your girlfriend!"

"...That won't be easy."

Steve revealed a sunny smile:

"I can do this all day!"


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