Chapter 116: Pre-battle Analysis

As expected by Nick Fury, with Oaks as the centerpiece, the gathering of the Avengers seemed to go smoothly without any major hiccups.

Regarding the other two Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent "Black Widow" Natasha Romanoff and "Hawkeye" Clint Barton, who is now under Loki's control, their publicly available information was also shared during this meeting.

In any case, this was the most open and frank gathering Nick Fury had ever experienced.

He had no choice but to be open and frank. Aside from the two mortal agents, the other four members of the Avengers were not ordinary people.

And now, the mortal agent Hawkeye couldn't even pass a glance in front of Loki...

If these guys didn't come together as a team, things would really be troublesome.

"The Tesseract... I remember it."

After all the publicly available information had been presented, the group fell into silence. They needed time to digest all this information.

But it was Captain America, Steve Rogers, who was the first to speak.

He glanced at Carter and subconsciously tightened his grip on his beloved's hand.

"It was on the Valkyrie, Red Skull held a weapon developed by Hydra, which could disintegrate a person with a single shot. And in the final battle, I didn't kill Red Skull. Instead, he activated the Tesseract and tried to eliminate me, but..."

This intelligence was something even Nick Fury had no knowledge of. It only existed in the memories of the person involved, Steve Rogers.

So everyone immediately focused their attention, listening as Captain America paused for a moment and said with some uncertainty:

"At that time... It seemed like the Tesseract released a tremendous amount of energy, and Red Skull disappeared within that energy.

But I don't know if he was purely disintegrated by the energy or if the Tesseract opened a portal and transported him away."

Steve Rogers was just a soldier, not a scientist, so he could only do his best to describe the situation at the time.

But sitting in the room were Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, both top physicists, as well as Nick Fury, who personally experienced the Tesseract opening a spatial portal.

"So, there's this hidden story as well."

The three of them exchanged glances. Dr. Banner, the pioneer in gamma radiation, hesitated to speak.

"Based on the previous information, the energy release Captain described should undoubtedly be a spatial teleportation. However, we can't determine the destination of the teleportation."

Tony also stroked his beard and nodded, "That's right. The energy release from pure energy and the energy release from spatial teleportation, although both come from the Tesseract, have completely different manifestations and effects on living beings."

"So, Red Skull is likely still alive?"

Nick Fury glanced at Steve and Peggy, then shook his head. "But unless there are special circumstances, he shouldn't appear before us again. Now let's focus on our current top priority—finding Loki."

"Now, gentlemen, regarding this impromptu gathering..."

Oaks clapped his hands and pointed at the holographic image of Loki holding the Scepter, with his distinctive hairstyle and captivating smile.

"Are you all ready?"

"Oh, extremely ready. I missed the big guy who fell from the sky last time," Tony said, resting his chin on his hand, his eyes filled with curiosity. "But I have to emphasize one point: Is this really the big guy's brother? They don't look anything alike. Is there a story behind this?"

"... Even though I'm quite familiar with Tony's personality, I still find his thinking a bit too erratic. And besides..."

"Tony, you have sharp eyes. But do we need to be cautious of Thor as well?" Banner made a swinging hammer motion with his hand. "Although Thor revealed Loki's intention to seize power in Asgard during our last encounter, we haven't been able to contact Thor since then. Now that Loki has appeared, did Thor succeed or fail?"

As someone who personally experienced the New Mexico incident, Banner was very concerned. One destroyer was already so powerful. "If Loki can arrive on Earth using this method, can't Thor also? Is this event solely Loki's personal will or the will of Asgard? King Odin, Thor the Thunder God, Loki the Trickster God—they are, after all, father and brothers."

"Regardless of whether he succeeded or failed, or whether he is an individual or backed by Asgard."

Steve stood up with Peggy, expressing his opinion with a serious expression. "We must all give it our all. Take on one, take on many..."

He glanced at his beloved by his side, a smirk appearing on his face. "Then let's send them all packing back home!"

"Tsk... The smell of love is so sour."

Oaks's sarcastic remark made everyone's expressions turn strange, and Ms. Carter even rolled her eyes directly at him.

It seemed that becoming younger also made their mindset younger.

"There's one more thing. Thor has two friends on Earth. Dr. Selvig, who was captured by Loki, was the one who guided him, and his girlfriend, astrophysicist Jane Foster, is even more important."

Oaks looked at Nick Fury. "SHIELD should be prepared for this, right? After all, Loki... once tried to kill Thor."

"Of course, we have already started to move Jane Foster to Tromsø, Norway."

Nick Fury spread his hands. "After yesterday's events, a local observatory there has invited her to be a consultant. The pay is considerable, and she'll have a private plane. It's quite remote."

"Peggy, I'm sorry to have to keep you in the rear again... but I promise it won't be like last time."

"Of course, this time I don't have a few years to wait."

The lovey-dovey display between Captain and the S.H.I.E.L.D founder left everyone feeling satisfied.

"Captain, although your enthusiasm is inspiring, it's obvious that we shouldn't engage in battles that we're uncertain of."

Tony had been in a contemplative state all this time. He reached out and patted Banner's shoulder, and the two of them stood up together. "I think we need to do some research in advance. Regarding the Tesseract, we must understand more in order to track it effectively."

"So, should we change locations?"

Oaks also nodded, stood up, and surveyed the group of superheroes. He helplessly spread his hands. "It seems that this place isn't suitable as a command center, and it seems that S.H.I.E.L.D. should be the powerful support for the Avengers."

"Of course."

Nick Fury stood up last, making a commanding gesture. "You can prepare yourselves. This afternoon, a S.H.I.E.L.D plane will pick you up and take you to our state-of-the-art command base, where the facilities are the most comprehensive and absolutely secure."

"For someone like Loki, an exceptional sorcerer, there is no place that is absolutely secure, Director Fury."

Oaks saw Tony signaling to him with a glance in the blind spot of Nick Fury's left eye, so he smiled. "Then I need to make some unconventional preparations for a few of our comrades... Sorry, Miss Carter, I may need to borrow the Captain for a while."

"Let's go to the opposite side, guys."


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