Chapter 121: Interrogating Loki

Everyone could tell that Loki was stalling for time, but nobody could guess why he was doing it.

"Loki has an army called the Chitauri. They are not Asgardian forces, and it's unclear where they came from."

The Asgardian Queen, Frigga, had discovered some time ago that Loki hadn't died. She tried to contact him, but he refused to respond.

So, despite the absence of the Bifrost and the ongoing chaos in Asgard, Heimdall continued his search for Loki's whereabouts.

The "Project Pegasus" exposed the energy leaked from the Tesseract, essentially announcing to the entire universe that the Space Stone was on Earth—

This was discovered by someone who had been actively searching for it, which finally gave Loki an excellent opportunity to counterattack the planet that had made him taste failure.

When Heimdall discovered Loki's collaboration with the Chitauri to invade Earth, Odin, the Allfather, realized that leaving this adopted son unattended would lead to significant trouble.

Therefore, despite being prematurely awakened from the "Odinsleep" by the battle between Thor and Loki, especially the collapse of the Bifrost, Odin, disregarding his injuries, forcibly used the energy accumulated in Asgard to send Thor alone to Earth.

With the loss of the Bifrost, the Asgardian army could not support Earth. The situation caused by their prince could only be resolved by sending another prince.

Furthermore, Thor had another mission besides capturing Loki and returning to Asgard. He had to retrieve the Tesseract and repair the Bifrost.

Only Odin knew about this on Earth, apart from Oaks.

"Loki plans to lead the Chitauri in an invasion of Earth. Once successful, he will become the king of Earth, and I believe the Tesseract is their reward for helping him."

Thor's intelligence made everyone understand that Loki would undoubtedly use the Tesseract again to open a portal.

Tony and Banner had already determined, based on Dr. Selvig's notes and S.H.I.E.L.D. data, the conditions Loki needed to ensure that the portal wouldn't collapse like last time.

Ultimately, Loki needed a power source with high energy density to activate the Tesseract.

Now that they had analyzed the conditions Loki required, the next step was to locate the Tesseract and understand Loki's plan—

Dr. Selvig, who was under control, and Barton were still missing.

The former was undoubtedly with the Tesseract, but the latter, who possessed exceptional combat capabilities and was clearly responsible for gathering resources, could also delay the opening of the portal.

Therefore, the Avengers divided into three teams—

Tony and Banner were responsible for locating the Tesseract using the gamma signal matched with Loki's scepter.

Steve and Thor were responsible for vigilance and guarding against unexpected situations.

Oaks and Natasha were tasked with interrogating Loki.

"I didn't expect us to cooperate under these circumstances, Agent Romanoff."

Oaks and Natasha were walking through the corridor on their way to Loki's cell.

Natasha smiled at the comment and glanced at Oaks.

"Strictly speaking, you and I are the only ones of the same age. The others are either older gentlemen or a ninety-year-old super soldier, not to mention a fifteen-hundred-year-old alien."

"So, the two youngest of us have to interrogate an alien who is also over fifteen hundred years old. It's not easy."

Oaks shrugged and pouted.

"And I'm not even an agent. Why do I have to be involved in this?"

"Well, he's an alien. You participated in dealing with his brother, and it worked quite well... So, this time, I hope you can make some other discoveries."

Natasha gestured at her wrist, and a strange smile appeared on her face.

"Besides, your vines are still restraining him. The director's intention is that when necessary, you can... well, continue to inflict the kind of mental anguish you did in Stuttgart."


Oaks covered his face. What the hell was all this!

Although Oaks knew what Loki's plan was, he still had to maintain appearances, and Loki was actually a very interesting guy.

"Not many people can sneak up on me."

When Loki turned around with a sinister smile, he saw two red-haired humans, a man and a woman, standing outside his cell.

"Wow, you two make quite a pair."

"I dyed my hair."

Natasha glanced at Oaks, whose expression looked odd, and shrugged at Loki.

"His is all natural."

"Actually, your original blonde hair looked good too."

Oaks coughed lightly.

"Is it because of the job?"

"Yes, it gives a colder and more spy-like appearance."


Loki twitched at the corner of his mouth as he watched these two humans chatting away in front of him, starting to question life.

"Hey, don't you think this is quite impolite?"

"Do we need to be polite to a prisoner in a cage?"

"Well, let's get to the formal part now— Loki, what did you do to Barton?"

Natasha's expression turned cold, transforming from the public's sweetheart to the Black Widow in an instant.

"He is one of the most resolute individuals I've ever encountered. How did you control him?"

"Oh, don't make it sound so... unbearable. I merely expanded his thinking. For ordinary people, it's unprecedented... gift."

Loki seemed to be quite pleased with himself. Originally, he thought Natasha would try to extract information from him using her seductive charms after he had been tortured.

"Well, what a's really kind. Is it because of your 'god' status?"

Oaks chuckled lightly and gave a signal to Natasha, who nodded subtly, taking a step back and focusing on observing every expression and detail from Loki.

Loki's smile faltered slightly. If he could partially comprehend human nature through his advanced magical abilities and his understanding of Natasha through Hawkeye...

To be honest, he couldn't read Oaks at all and had no information about him. They hadn't met many times, and they had only exchanged a few words in New Mexico.

Moreover, this guy was the only person on Earth he had encountered so far who could use magic.

Anyone capable of wielding magic wouldn't be a weak-minded individual.

"That's the case. Moreover, not only that, when I become the king of Earth, Agent Barton will receive even more."

Loki once again displayed his signature sinister smile.

"Those who follow me will receive more..."

"But now you're a prisoner. As someone who wants to become king, you do not plan to wait until your underlings conquer Earth and then ascend to the throne, do you?"

Oaks pinched his chin.

"We are quite familiar with Asgardian matters, and we've done thorough research. Last time, your attempted coup failed. So, even if you manage to conquer Earth, have you considered the punishment from Asgard?"

"Punishment? Asgard? Ha!"

A strange look flashed in Loki's eyes.

"The throne should have been mine... the Bifrost was destroyed, destroyed by Thor's own hands... Without the Tesseract, they can only send Thor alone."

But that's meaningless—Earth is isolated and without support!"


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