Chapter 125: No Sacrifice

Except for Natasha assisting Barton in completely eliminating the aftermath of being mentally controlled, the other Avengers gathered in the control room.

Even Dr. Banner participated in the interrogation. The repair of the communication and navigation systems, as well as the restart of the primary engine, could be handled by the revitalized S.H.I.E.L.D. technicians.

With the coordinate data lost and Banner, who was supposed to see the coordinates, being delayed due to Oaks's defensive action. And the instruments and data were damaged. Now, except for Loki, the Avengers didn't have time to recalculate the target.

Oaks had sensed a target similar to the Mind Stone's aura appearing on the periphery, guessing that Hawkeye was coming to hijack the aircraft, so he preemptively took defensive measures.

"Sorry, because of my influence, Bruce couldn't see the crucial data. The efforts during this period were in vain."

Oaks stood in front of the conference table. He had already taken off his battle robe and placed the Scepter on the table.

Thor personally held Loki down, looking at everyone with a relaxed smile.

"Just a few seconds... It's fate, isn't it?

Oaks, Druid, although your perception is remarkable, protecting these guys prevents you from timely discovering the location of the Cosmic Cube..."

He smirked, looking at the Avengers who were all staring at him, and chuckled lightly.

"For the sake of these heroes, many lives will be sacrificed. Is it worth it?"

"Loki, that's enough!"

Steve stood up, calmly surveying the group.

"A person like you will never understand the determination of someone who is wholeheartedly devoted to good.

Oaks protected those who could be protected. You are in no position to be compared to him, let alone accuse him!"

"Well, that's true. Although Oaks is a bit devious, he is undoubtedly a good person—maybe even better than me."

Tony rubbed his chin and gestured for Steve to calm down.

"Let's not forget that you failed to succeed in your conspiracy because Oaks controlled Banner's transformation. The coordinates are not a problem. Even without the instruments, don't we still have you?"

"Sorry, it was actually my fault... The peaceful days before made me lose my vigilance."

Banner rubbed his hands and sighed.

"And, it's more accurate to say that our own arrogance led to the current situation. If we hadn't had that argument earlier, maybe I could have observed the changes in the data at any time, or at least remembered the rough range."


Thor looked at everyone and subconsciously took a few steps away from his unruly brother.

"Uh... actually, Loki used to be a decent guy. It's just that he was... a bit provoked before, so he..."

His voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end, he awkwardly put on a smile.

"Well, go ahead and ask. If he doesn't cooperate, I'll force him to."

Oaks raised an eyebrow. Although there was no sacrifice like Coulson this time, the Avengers had also had some contact with each other, unlike before.

Because of Oaks's involvement, they had all worked together on research or had some connection with Oaks.

This avoided the need to forcibly bring them together as a team using extreme measures like "sacrifice."

Even Natasha and Barton, because of this battle, their abilities as ordinary agents had been recognized by the others present.

"Finally, we've reached this point."

Oaks's lips curled up slightly, and he glanced at Coulson, who was standing with folded hands at the entrance. Coulson's usual trademark smile was nowhere to be seen, indicating the seriousness of the losses they had suffered.

Although the term "Avengers" now lacked the connotation of "avenging Coulson's sacrifice," Oaks didn't want Coulson to be resurrected using Kree extraction fluid and become mentally unstable. After all, he didn't know resurrection magic yet.

"Indeed, S.H.I.E.L.D. originally intended to use the Cosmic Cube to build an arsenal."

Nick Fury crossed his arms and walked to the center of the Avengers, their gazes shifting towards him.

"But I've never given my all because I've been playing something riskier—the Avengers Initiative. Now you all know about it, and your names are on that list. Although each of you has distinct characteristics and independent thinking, you are all elite in your respective fields. I'm glad to see that you can at least be united externally—for me, if nothing else."

No one spoke.

Nick Fury paused, then turned and walked behind the group.

"There are some wars that us ordinary people can never win, no matter how hard we try. So, although it's an outdated concept, we still hope that when the world faces a crisis, there will be heroes who can stand up and embody the beliefs of ordinary people."

"Wow... Nice rallying speech. I can see that these 'heroes' have been moved by you."

Loki once again started his rhetoric with exaggerated tones.

"But what can you do now? Sitting here, having a meeting, facing doomsday with communication cut off?"

He revealed his signature evil smile.

"That would be a nice ending, wouldn't it? Before the performance even begins."

"Loki, you may have misunderstood one thing."

Oaks stood up, took a step forward, and approached Loki, looking at him seriously.

"We won't let your conspiracy divide the team, we won't be unable to perform because of your non-cooperation, and we won't fail because of your powerful army."

He glanced at Thor, who had retreated to the side and was quietly lost in thought.

"You may have understood the true power, but have you ever considered... um!"


"Bastard! Loki!"

Everyone exclaimed, as the Mind Scepter that was just on the table had suddenly disappeared, and it was now in Loki's hand, piercing through Oaks's waist!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Gunshots rang out, and Nick Fury, who reacted the fastest, had already fired at Loki. Captain America, who was unarmed, was leaping towards Loki, only to suddenly realize that all of Nick Fury's bullets had missed!

"It's illusion magic!"

Thor grabbed Mjolnir, only to discover that both Loki in front of Oaks and Loki behind him had disappeared without a trace!


Loki had already appeared at the entrance of the passage, and the person he was pressing against in front of him was none other than Coulson, who was guarding there!

"As the second most... cough, strongest sorcerer of Asgard, it's not without reason, Druid..."

He looked at the somewhat wary crowd and revealed an undisguised mocking expression.

"You have exposed your power too much, Druid. For spellcasters, experience is the most important thing in battle... And I have 1,500 years of spellcasting experience."

Even the most ruthless and cold-blooded leader of the agents, Nick Fury, didn't shoot Coulson along with Loki because he understood that it would be useless against Loki. But Coulson's eyes had already turned black, then blue—

This was the third time Nick Fury had witnessed this process!


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