Chapter 142: Monument of Life and Time

Generally speaking, those who like to say this phrase are not usually positive characters.

However, this time, Oaks had a strong feeling...

He felt a genuine affinity with this object.

It wasn't a strong sense of attraction, but rather a pleasing sight.

Perhaps this indicated that he could benefit from this object, but not in a way that would immediately enable him to punch Odin and step on the Ancient One.


Both Odin and Thor shifted their gaze to the compartment Oaks pointed at.

"Just a piece of rock."

Thor approached and carefully examined the stone:

"It seems to be... a monument?"

What he didn't dare say was that the great guardian of the Nine Realms would actually collect stones?

He had been here many times, and this inconspicuous stone monument had never caught his attention. The strange sphere and large eyeballs in the adjacent compartment looked more mysterious.

"The Monument of Life and Time..."

Odin raised an eyebrow and spoke the name of the stone monument.

"It seems your intuition is correct."

He walked up to the monument, gently tapped it with Gungnir, and the protective shield in front of the compartment opened.

Odin lightly caressed the seemingly ancient and damaged stone monument and nodded:

"Your abilities are related to life and nature. This stone monument, the 'Monument of Life and Time,' is also an artifact from your Earth."

"From Earth?"

Oaks became even more interested:

"Your Majesty, this thing sounds impressive, but it obviously doesn't originate from any known civilization. Where on Earth is it from? What does it do?"


The name Odin mentioned caused Oak's expression to change, but upon further consideration, it wasn't impossible.

After all, Atlantis was the most talked-about ancient civilization that Earth's people hadn't yet deciphered.

"As for its purpose, perhaps that is the reason you feel a 'destiny' with it."

Odin's gaze turned distant:

"This Monument of Life and Time is said to be inscribed with the 'Equation of Life Evolution.' If this equation can be deciphered, even ordinary life forms can gain tremendous combat power and wisdom."

He looked at Oak, whose expression had turned serious, chuckled softly, and shook his head:

"Don't worry, I won't be reluctant to give it to you. As you can see, Asgard has also researched it extensively, but as you can tell...

It's already in a broken state, not even a quarter of the complete monument remains.

So, it's practically impossible to discover anything from it—

Even for Asgard."

Odin waved his hand slightly, and the stone monument floated out of the compartment, stopping in front of Oaks:

"For Asgardians, especially those of royal blood, this thing has always been tasteless and a waste.

But for someone like you, who excels in healing abilities, if you can discover something from it, it would be much more valuable than its worth in the treasury."

"...Thank you for your generosity."

Oaks bowed slightly:

"Just, this object is inconvenient to move... May I be allowed to study it in Asgard? If I achieve any results, I will share them with Asgard."

Hmm, if Odin didn't always focus on the tip of his spear when saying there is no problem for him taking this, Oaks would have believed this old man's nonsense.

"So... Thor, take Oaks to the guest room."

Odin nodded in satisfaction, a hint of appreciation flickering in his eyes.

"Oaks is an important guest of Asgard. If there is anything he need during the research, you can discuss it with your mother."

"Yes, Father!"


Asgard guest room, Thor placed the pedestal-mounted Monument of Life and Time on the ground.

"Phew... This thing is quite heavy."

He wiped his sweat and looked around at the damaged stone monument.

"Are you really choosing this? Father also said that we have researched this thing in Asgard for a long time, but we haven't discovered anything from it.

If you regret it now, I can talk to Father and exchange it for something else—

Since you use magic, there's also a good artifact called the Orb that can sense magic!"

"Thank you, but it's unnecessary. Let's follow our instincts."

Oaks wouldn't miss this opportunity. If this thing could be sensed by his "instinct," then he would definitely be able to gain something from it.

Moreover, this was a rare opportunity—

He could stay in Asgard in a reasonable and friendly manner, continuously gaining control over Nature energy. He could also consult with the strongest mage of Asgard, Queen Frigga, under the pretext of studying the Monument of Life and Time.

You see, if Oaks had to choose a magic mentor between the Supreme Sorcerer, the Ancient One, and Queen Frigga, he would definitely choose Frigga.

What kind of magic does the Supreme Sorcerer have?

White magic from Vishanti, dark magic from the Dark Dimension. When learning magic, start with melee combat and refuse to be a ranged artillery. Just use dual magic shields as slashing blades, or condense whips to bind and lash.

Apart from the fact that the teleportation portals and magic shields somewhat match the identity of a mage, does the Ancient One really resemble a mage?

Oh, the Mirror Dimension is powerful, but the problem is that the Mirror Dimension is a big move. If the Ancient One truly showcased her magic from a distance like a true mage, she wouldn't need to use such a move to clean up the mess!

The spells of the lineage of the Supreme Sorcerer are powerful and grand, even the auxiliary spells are teleportation portals, Mirror Dimensions, direct and straightforward magic.

However, that set of cultivation methods is simply not suitable for Oaks. Even the teleportation portal is not something Oaks, who has nothing to do with Vishanti, can practice.

Although Frigga also prefers melee combat, and her melee abilities are definitely not weak—

This can be seen from her way of protecting Jane Foster, as well as the Loki she raised.

But also she excels in illusion magic, sensing magic, divination, insight, spatial magic, enchantment magic, and other spells that lean more towards assistance.

Moreover, her magical power comes from herself and is not extracted from other dimensions, which Oaks can learn.

In terms of combat power, the Supreme Sorcerer overwhelms Frigga, but Frigga's style of magic can provide greater help to Oaks.

"Alright, if there's anything, you can directly ask the guards to invite my mother."

Thor nodded, lifted his hammer, and patted Oak's shoulder.

"Thank you again for healing my father... Perhaps you haven't realized how important this is to Asgard.

Asgard will be your eternal friend—

You focus on your research here, I need to organize the army.

Tonight, I'll invite some friends, and we'll have a good drink!"

Thor suddenly remembered something and revealed a mischievous smile.

"The alcohol tolerance of you Earthlings is truly not worth mentioning!"

"Oh? Is that so?"

Oaks's gaze sharpened. Thinking of Dr. Selvig, he immediately understood what this guy was thinking.

"Then see you tonight. I'll show you what it means to have an enormous capacity for alcohol!"


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