Chapter 144: Spring of Vitality

When Captain America first became a super soldier, he discovered something that left him unsure whether it was good or bad.

Due to his metabolism being at least four times that of an ordinary person, he metabolized alcohol extremely quickly and couldn't get drunk at all.

But now, Oaks can tell Steve that his experience is complete nonsense.

The reason he doesn't get drunk with a four times faster metabolism isn't because alcohol has no effect on him. It's simply because he doesn't drink fast enough, and most importantly, not enough!

Initially, Oaks's body, strengthened by the Nature energy, wasn't too extraordinary. So, during Tony's birthday party a few years ago, he did get drunk.

However, after his spirit form was developed he lost his shapeshifting abilities.

During his time at the "Benevolence Society Branch" led by Old Knight Carter Slade, and after training with Matt and Steve...

His humanoid physical condition might not surpass Steve's, but is quite close to it.

In theory, with the Nature Energy enhancing him, he shouldn't get drunk anymore.

But when faced with the massive amount of alcohol in Asgard that can make the Asgardians drunk...

He dares to say that even if Steve were here, he wouldn't last half an hour.

However, Oaks's biggest challenge is his narrow throat. He can't drink as fast as Thor.

The physique and body density of ordinary Asgardians are three times that of humans, not to mention the royal family like Thor.

Thor can chug wine without worrying about choking, but Oaks can't do that.

As for getting drunk...

Isn't it just alcohol poisoning? Since he learned detoxification techniques, he hasn't been afraid of alcohol!

He just doesn't drink much on regular occasions.

So, the Asgardians and Einherjar warriors were shocked to see that this seemingly weak Earthling remained sober even when Thor was already in a daze!

However, Oaks noticed something unfavorable amidst their shock...

So he quickly stopped using detoxification techniques and pretended to pass out before Thor did.

He had to save face for the Crown Prince. If he ended up drinking Thor under the table and caused his reputation to plummet, Odin might find a way to make things difficult for him.

Oaks couldn't hear the cheers from the warriors celebrating Thor's victory anymore.

When he woke up, it was already noon the next day...

But it had to be said that Asgard's alcohol was really good, with no headaches or aftereffects.

The guest room was quiet, and Oaks noticed a hearty lunch still laid out on the table...

And it had been thoughtfully changed to mead, chicken, and beef.

"But can someone explain why there's a big barrel of mead?" Oaks chuckled and touched his nose. It seems that his "performance" last night made the Asgardians look at him differently.

After a simple lunch, Oaks ignored the barrel of mead. After the guards came to clean up, he truly began his research on the fragments of the Monument of Life and Time.

"The equation of evolution... Are they kidding? Could this incredible thing really appear in Atlantis because of this equation of evolution? Or is the pinnacle of this so-called evolution equation their civilization?"

The symbols on the stone monument had no meaning to Oaks. He wasn't a linguist.

He could only attempt to extract information from this ancient stone monument through his perception and the connection between nature and life.

Silently invoking a small portion of Asgard's Nature Energy that he had already mastered, Oaks began his analysis.

Asgard's Nature Energy is different from Earth's, which Oaks had sensed immediately upon arrival.

This wasn't because life in Asgard is alien, but because its natural environment is significantly different from Earth's...

Asgard's environment is filled with energy.

Unlike the other eight realms of the Nine Realms, Asgard isn't a conventional planet but rather a massive continent...

A continent built upon a vast, peculiar crystal mine brimming with boundless cosmic energy.

This crystal mine is located on the backside of the Asgardian continent, and Oaks still remembers the unprecedented display of Asgard in the movies...

The perspective flips from the majestic Crystal Mountains, turning upside down, descending from the sky through the earth of Asgard and reaching the heavens.

Oaks wasn't sure if it was the crystal mine with vast cosmic energy that gave the Asgardians their unique physique and bestowed immense power upon the royal family.

However, it is an undisputed fact that Asgard's natural environment is filled with cosmic energy.

Initially, Oaks thought that this cosmic energy came from the crystal-clear sky of Asgard, which seemed to merge with the universe.

But it wasn't until he had the opportunity to treat Odin and gained control over a small portion of the Nature Energy that he realized this energy came from beneath the earth.

The Druids' path of balance focuses on the energy of the star realms and the Nature Energy.

The energy of the star realms, as mentioned by the Druids, is cosmic energy.

That's why Oaks was able to quickly possess the power of self-preservation in completely unfamiliar Asgard.

One could say that Asgard was a sacred place for Oaks's cultivation—no other planet could offer such unique conditions for practicing the balance-based spells.

There seemed to be missing parts in Oaks's inheritance that prevented him from resonating quickly with the Nature Energy in his current location.

However, the power of the star realms didn't have this problem.

On Earth, the power of the star realms is scarce, but in Asgard, it can even accelerate his control over the Nature Energy.

Days passed, and apart from attending Thor's expedition ceremony when the Bifrost was repaired, Oaks had been studying the secrets of the Monument of Life and Time.

Of course, he also fulfilled his wish and learned some supplementary magic from the Queen, Frigga.

Among them, the most practical and convenient was the storage spell.

The elite warriors of Asgard also used this spell to store their weapons, such as Lady Sif and the Three Warriors.

With a monument as large as this, he no longer needed to personally carry it back to Earth.

Four months after Oaks arrived in Asgard, he finally deciphered something from the Monument of Life and Time.

"Your Majesty."

Oaks met Odin again in the palace:

"As per our previous agreement, I would like to share the research findings of the Monument of Life and Time with Asgard."

"Oh? Have you really made progress in your research?"

Odin's sharp gaze focused on Oaks, who slightly bowed, and then he glanced at Queen Frigga. She smiled and nodded slightly in response.

"I have comprehended a peculiar method of potion formulation from the stone monument and have successfully tested it using some 'local' materials."

Using the storage spell, Oaks retrieved a bottle containing a fascinating azure-colored translucent potion.

"When I was on Earth, I developed a restorative potion—

It was an elixir that extracted vitality from plants to replenish a creature's life force and heal wounds."

He handed the potion to Queen Frigga, who approached him. She accepted the potion and stood beside Odin.

"Perhaps it was because of this experience that I gained insights into an improved method from the Monument of Life and Time—

This potion is a super-upgraded version, and I named it the 'Spring of Vitality'!"


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