Chapter 154: Allies of Nature

Of course, Loki had an impression.

Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir, these were two goats.

They were called divine beasts because these two fellows not only had the ability to fly but also once pulled the chariot of the Thunder God Thor.

Thor's previous vehicle was called the "Goat Ship," and these two goats could make the ship fly through the sky—

Although these two goats were not weak in battle, they served more as pets and... emergency food in Thor's case.

That's right, emergency food. These two goats would often be slaughtered and eaten to alleviate hunger when Thor went out to battle.

But the reason they were considered divine beasts was that as long as their bones were not destroyed, they could be reborn in the midst of lightning—

And Thor was never lacking in lightning.

The gluttonous Thor and the two goats he couldn't finish eating, a perfect combination.

However, after Thor became skilled in using Mjolnir to fly, he no longer needed the Goat Ship.

These two pet goats were returned to nature—

Released into Alfheim, the realm with the best natural environment among the Nine Realms.

As for the deer, in reality, there were four famous divine stags in the Nine Realms: Dáinn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Duraþrór.

However, only Duraþrór was in Alfheim.

Even when Oaks studied Freyr's information, he thought that his weapon, the Great Antlers, came from Duraþrór.

But later he realized that it probably wasn't the case, and Duraþrór should still be roaming around Alfheim.

In addition to its formidable fighting prowess, the divine stag Duraþrór possessed a miraculous ability—

Like the other three divine stags, its antlers produced a magical honeydew, a peculiar liquid. Although it didn't have the exaggerated quality of "all the world's rivers originate from it" as the legends say, it had immense nourishing properties.

What was especially valuable was that the honeydew of the divine stags had excellent nourishing effects on life and spirit.

The potion "Spring of Vitality" that Oaks comprehended on the Monument of Life and Time was formulated using the honeydew of the divine stags stored in Asgard.


"You and I will divide the tasks. You go find your acquaintance... the familiar goats, and I'll go find Freyr's pig and horse, and the divine stag."

Loki looked at the mountains on the edge of the open field in front of him, and his eyes twitched.

The task Oaks gave him earlier was to catch... those goats.

Calling them familiar goats was not wrong.

When Loki was young, his relationship with Thor was like that of respectful brothers at least on the surface. So, he had ridden the Goat Ship pulled by these two goats and even eaten them.

The mountains ahead were the confirmed location where the Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr goats inhabited, as indicated in the information.

Speaking of which, Loki had memories of that place—

When Thor released the two goats, Loki had followed him like a lackey.

Subconsciously, Loki touched his stomach and took a deep breath.

"Damn it... I remember back then, it was my suggestion to have one last roast before letting them go..."


Outside Freyr's palace were endless fields and orchards.

And Freyr's pet, the "Golden Boar" Gullinbursti, was hidden in the boundless golden wheat fields.

Its golden fur blended with the wheat fields, and its two shining golden tusks seemed capable of piercing sunlight.

It was living its days as usual, eating and sleeping to its heart's content, when suddenly a voice entered its mind:

"Gullinbursti, I come under the command of king Freyr to subdue the two troublemaking wolves of the Dark Forest... Are you interested in joining me? It's also an opportunity for revenge."


Although Gullinbursti was an intelligent divine beast, its intelligence clearly wasn't enough to think like a human.

But the simple meaning could still be understood—

Keywords: Freyr, command, subdue, wolves, revenge.

It complied with its master's command.

The eyes of the Golden Boar widened, and its massive body stood up from the wheat field. It let out a roar towards the sky, then stared at the source of the voice—

Oaks who was standing at the edge of the wheat field.

"Squeal~ Roar!"

Oaks nodded satisfactorily. Gullinbursti, the Golden Boar, was more than willing to accompany him without any hesitation. Oaks wouldn't believe it if it didn't have Freyr's tacit approval.

His wild nature allowed him to communicate directly with Gullinbursti, and the creature's response meant "understood."

Next, this boar, which could run faster than a horse, walk on water, and had explosive combat power, would be his ally of nature.

Following that, Oaks obtained the assistance of Freyr's horse, "Bloodhoof" Blóðughófi, using the same method.

And the most important part was to find the divine stag Duraþrór.

Not only because of Duraþrór's combat power but also because Oaks needed its honeydew—

Asgard's inventory had dwindled considerably after supplying Odin, and he had already sent people to find honeydew from the other three divine stags.

In this trial and the subsequent reward for Freyr, a large quantity of Spring of Vitality potions was indispensable.

Other materials were easy to find, as they existed on Earth, not to mention Alfheim.

However, although Freyr had some honeydew of the divine stags, Oaks intended to gather more stock to be able to prepare potions on Earth as well.

Originally, Oaks couldn't sense the location of the divine stag Duraþrór—Alfheim was too vast, unless he gained significant control over the Nature Energy here.

But Freyr clearly wouldn't allow him to do that.

However, as Freyr's pets and mounts, Gullinbursti and Bloodhoof were clearly aware of the stag's whereabouts.

Deep within the largest forest in Alfheim, Gullinbursti and Bloodhoof led Oaks to Duraþrór, which was drinking water at the central lake.

"Midgardians... here?"

To Oaks's surprise, Duraþrór, the divine stag, was highly intelligent. It sensed Oaks's wild nature and could even speak directly.

"Well deserving of being one of the Four Great Divine Stags... Duraþrór, I am a Druid from Midgard, the 'Sage' of Asgard, Royal Advisor, Oaks Woods."

Oaks stepped forward slowly, and a faint rainbow glow emanated from Duraþrór's body. A misty aura surrounded its massive antlers, and its twinkling eyes emitted a faint light, making him feel...

As if he saw Malorne's shadow.

Different from ordinary divine beasts like Gullinbursti and Bloodhoof, Duraþrór was a divine beast similar to a demigod in life level.

By extension, the other three divine stags must be the same.

Truly worthy of the legendary divine beasts that feed on the tender leaves of the World Tree, their prestige is high.

However, it didn't possess the same combat power as a normal demigod of nature because its size was too small to contain powerful life essence.

"You... feel familiar to me, Druid."

Duraþrór's lively eyes carefully examined Oaks and glanced at the obediently standing Golden Boar and Bloodhoof behind him.

"It's truly remarkable. These two fellows usually only behave like this when they're with Freyr."

"We are about to go and subdue the two wolves in the Dark Forest. Freyr has tacitly allowed them to become my assistance."

Oaks smiled and slightly bowed to this demigod of nature, whom he met for the first time.

"But they are difficult opponents. Therefore, I seek your help."


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