Chapter 158: Just like that...

The sunlight in the sky was unusually bright.

This was a phenomenon caused by Skoll using the power of a solar eclipse to seize the power of the sun in battle.

But as Duraþrór had said, the unusual power of the sun did not significantly diminish Hati's abilities.

Even though Hati was relatively weaker compared to a full moon night, it wasn't weakened by much because the moon was always present.

It possessed the power of a lunar eclipse, and as long as the moon existed, it could draw upon its power for combat.

This ability had proven to be unstoppable in past battles. Even Freyr, who was renowned for his combat prowess, couldn't match the combined power of Hati and Skoll.

And today, Hati was fighting this person who exuded the detested aura of nature and Hati was certain that he was neither a god nor a light elf.

"I thought Freyr's army was waiting for me. It seems you plan to deal with me on your own."

Hati glanced at the blocked escape route and showed no signs of panic. As long as the moonlight didn't fade, it was invincible--

Although this person in front of it knew some peculiar spells, what interested Hati was his ability to summon moonlight.

"Eating you might enhance my sensitivity to moonlight..."

Hati licked its lips.

"But that roasted meat from earlier was so delicious... I'm reluctant to eat you now. How about you give me your power and become my servant?

The deer, boar, horse, and goats, we accept all newcomers!

If you focus on roasting meat, I can let my brother spare the mage inside. Isn't he your companion?"

"Unfortunately, he is the adopted... son of Odin, the King of Asgard."

Oaks coughed, and it was evident that Hati hadn't recognized Loki's identity. However, it was impossible for it to be unaware of Odin's name.

Sure enough, a cold light flashed in Hati's eyes.

"Odin? Hmph! When the Ragnarok arrives, the Aesir must also perish, and Odin will be the first to fall!"

A dazzling ball of moonlight formed around its body, and Oaks even saw a phantom full moon appearing beside the sun in the sky!

"Forget adopted son; even if he were Odin's true son, I wouldn't hesitate to devour him--

And as for you, there's no need to roast meat, and no need to go back to Odin with a message!"


Oaks looked at Hati's towering figure with a serious expression and the upgraded Forest Heart Robe was instantly donned.

The giant wolf who was originally over five meters tall doubled in size under the influence of the moonlight's power!

Oaks's figure seemed like that of a tiny insect in the face of such a massive demonic wolf!


"Don't be so hasty."

Thick vines suddenly appeared and tightly entangled Hati's four claws. Oaks clenched his hands tightly, and a massive phantom of a full moon appeared above Hati's head.

Hati, who had already bitten off half of the vines, suddenly realized that the moonlight power it had been receiving was rapidly depleting!

"What have you done?!"

"Moonlight power isn't used like this!"

Oaks's phantom of the full moon absorbed all of Hati's moonlight power like a whale swallowing the sea, then burst forth with a dazzling light.




The massive beam of moonlight no longer gave Hati the familiar sensation. It transformed into icy moonfire, burning its body!

"Mere human!"

Hati struggled to break free from the vines and pounced towards Oaks. Even without the enhancement of moonlight, It still possessed strong resistance against moonlight attacks.

"You'll pay for stealing my power!"


Countless magical vines churned and tightly entangled Hati's massive body. Not only that, but they also slowly tightened!

"If using moonlight against you won't work, then..."

A shimmering starlight enveloped Oaks's robe:

"Feel the power of the stars--"


Endless starlight ignited Hati's already dimmed fur in an instant!

"Stellar Surge!"

A destructive energy sphere formed from the purest stellar energy and immediately after, an even more dazzling light burst forth from the sphere!

"Stellar Flare!"

"Howl, howl, howl!!!"

Accompanied by a pitiful wolf's howl, Hati, whose moonlight power had been severed was now painfully struck by the unstoppable stellar power of the same origin and finally felt a fear it had never experienced since birth!

This human before it was truly its nemesis!

Even though it had some resistance to Skoll's solar power, it was completely helpless against the unfamiliar stellar power!

"Feel the wrath of nature!"

Hati, who was being burned by the starfire, once again noticed that the person opposite it unleashed a beam of golden energy--

But this wasn't solar power; it was power derived from the natural environment--

So, in Alfheim, its power was extraordinary!

The Nature energy and the stellar energy quickly eradicated the remnants of Hati's moonlight power and caused its body to shrink all the way down, leaving it barely over three meters tall!

However, Oaks also realized that he couldn't eliminate it even with this!

"Hehe... foolish human, do you think severing the moonlight will be enough to kill me? You really underestimate me!"

Hati once again broke free from the entanglement of the magical vines. Its wide mouth opened, and bright moonlight gathered inside:

"For over a thousand years, how much moonlight have I accumulated? Do you have any idea?!"


Hati's moonlight cannon blasted a massive trench into the ground where Oaks stood.

"Hahaha! Vanish into thin air... ow!"

It couldn't believe its eyes as it looked at its... waist which was deeply impaled by a claw surrounded by golden starlight!

"Tsk, it seems that targeting a wolf's waist is effective. Since you mentioned the moonlight you've accumulated for over a thousand years..."

Hati trembled all over as even more magical vines wrapped tightly around him. Oaks' claws, enveloped in dense starlight, mercilessly crushed Hati's waist amidst agonizing howls!

Apply more force! One insert! Take it!


A massive essence of moonlight which was solid as substance was forcibly extracted by Oaks from the body of this "Moon Hound"!

In the dark forest, Loki and the divine beasts were gasping for breath and they were covered in wounds.

They couldn't do anything in front of Skoll, who possessed endless solar power.

Just defending against Skoll's solar power alone required tremendous effort on their part.

But just as they were about to reach their limits, Skoll suddenly let out a mournful howl:


The mighty solar power erupted, and Skoll vanished in an instant.

Loki gasped for breath with a disheveled appearance and was nearly collapsing onto the back of the Bloodhoof Steed.

"It seems Oaks has already won."

Duraþrór also bore varying degrees of burns, and the two goats had their fur completely scorched.

The Golden Boar had several deep claw marks visible down to the bone, and even the Bloodhoof horse, who had been in the backline, had several patches of hair burned off.

"This guy..."

Loki clenched his teeth, how could this Earthling be so formidable?!

"He won't escape, right... Let's go!"

Loki reluctantly got up and patted the Bloodhoof.

His emotions became complex for a moment:

"Damn it... Am I really going to become the third prince?!"


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