Chapter 173: Permanent Portal

Oaks showed the Ancient One a delicate small ship.

The ship emitted a soft, gentle light, and upon closer inspection, it seemed to be slightly hidden.

This was Oaks's current storage artifact, Baldur's Spirit Ship.

It was also the place where the two Fenrir Wolves were "confined."

As a result, when it appeared, the two wolves rolled their eyes in boredom and lay down on the ground together.

"Oh? An amazing artifact..."

The Ancient One waved her hand, and the small Spirit Ship floated in front of her.

Orange magical radiance flickered, and the Ancient One scanned the inside and outside of the Spirit Ship.

"Is this ship a gift from Baldur to you?"

The Ancient One nodded slightly after slowly opening her eyes.

"It seems that you made quite a fortune this time when you went to Asgard."

"Perhaps... Does it have any strange enchantments or spells on it?"

Oaks shrugged.

"Although it was Baldur's gift, this thing has been immersed in the large shield formed by Odin's power for over two thousand years."

"There is nothing unusual. You can rest assured."

The Ancient One smiled and returned the Spirit Ship to Oaks.

"Even Odin's methods can't deceive me easily. Even Baldur's imprint has been removed from this artifact. Now, it only recognizes your magic."

"Tsk, I've become a petty person."

Oaks scratched his head and took the Spirit Ship back.

He thanked the Ancient One, and then his eyes flickered and a smile appeared on his face.

"What are you thinking?" The Ancient One noticed the change in Oaks's expression and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"I think you're thinking of something crazy."


Sorcerer Supreme, I was thinking, if it's possible for you to establish a permanent portal on this Spirit Ship."

"A permanent portal?"

The Ancient One picked up her teacup and finished it in one sip.

"Kamar-Taj and the Three Sanctums all do have permanent portals, and some can even switch their destination. However, that also requires a considerable amount of magic to sustain.

Although your Spirit Ship is excellent, this level of magic power consumption will still have an impact."

"Nothing too complicated. I just need it to connect to the headquarters of the Benevolence Society and my own location."

Oaks scooted forward slightly, giving a "you know what I mean" expression.

"It doesn't need to be active all the time, just open when needed. There should be... artifacts of this type, right?"

"...Indeed, there are."

The Sorcerer Supreme fixedly stared at Oaks for a moment, causing his smile to become somewhat stiff.

"However, the construction of permanent portals is extremely complex... It also requires the consumption of many precious magical materials, not to mention two of them."

The Sorcerer Supreme displayed a smile like an ordinary person.

"So, is this a transaction?"

"...Let me beautify Kamar-Taj with nature? And I also have an elixir that even Odin approves of!"


In the end, Oaks exchanged one hundred bottles of "Spring of Vitality Elixir" and the top-tier air purification plants arrangement for Kamar-Taj and the Three Sanctums, in return for the Ancient One personally crafting two permanent portals for the Spirit Ship.

As a result, Oaks stayed in Kamar-Taj for a while, both working on the Planting project and waiting for the completion of the Spirit Ship's modification.

Meanwhile, because the sorcerers really liked Oaks's drink, 'Acorn'. He contracted to supply Acorns for the entire sorcerer's monastery for free as an additional contribution.

Oaks had already made up his mind to create a dedicated space here for the Sorcerer Supreme to grow oak trees.

"It's amazing, Chairman Oaks. Although we study magic, I never realized that the power of 'nature' could be so strong."

Assisting Oaks with the greening project and acting as a transportation person was the Ancient One's senior disciple, Karl Mordo.

He did not have a slightly arrogant attitude towards Oaks like he had with ordinary people because Oaks was a guest of the Sorcerer Supreme, the Ancient One, and a master Sorcerer who belonged to a completely different lineage from the Sorcerer Supreme.

Moreover, most importantly, Mordo and the Sorcerers of Kamar-Taj really liked Oaks's drink, Acorn.

As a result, Mordo's attitude towards Oaks was quite good.

"Master Mordo, you flatter me."

Under Oaks's magic, the green area of Kamar-Taj reached its maximum without any negative impact.

At the same time, ordinary plants were transformed directly into magical plants by Oaks using Nature magic.

To put it simply, now his own spells had become stronger, the extent to which spells were enhanced by the natural environment had increased, and his control over the Nature Energy had grown.

This was not a simple 1+1+1 increase...

Mordo's description of Oaks's Nature magic as "powerful" was reasonable.

However, now Oaks's spells had undergone some changes in their nature.

"Master Mordo, Nature magic is a... marvelous kind of magic."

Oaks only knew that Mordo, who was now completely covered in green, left Kamar-Taj after Strange became the Sorcerer Supreme, but he didn't know what he did afterward.

However, there was no doubt that Mordo had betrayed the Ancient One because he couldn't accept the Sorcerer Supreme, his respected teacher, extracting power from the dark dimension.

It was a feeling of faith collapsing, probably similar to how Javier felt when he found out about Ursoc in Ardenweald.

He was obviously a serious and determined person, and if he became an enemy, he might cause a lot of trouble.

"I commune with nature, protect nature, and nature rewards me with power... It's a mutually beneficial transaction, just as I have always upheld."

"That sounds wonderful."

Mordo smiled.

"The fellow sorcerers at the New York Sanctum greatly admire what your Benevolence Society has done. Magic can be used like this... It's something we hadn't even thought of before."

He was referring to the magical plants that Oaks had transformed and their miraculous performance during the Battle of New York.

"They often boast to the other two Sanctums and us, saying that they live in an environment comparable to a forest every day, and the air is so comfortable that they don't even want to take turns on duty anymore. And all they did was pool their money to buy air purification plants from your Benevolence Society."

"Pooling money, huh..."

Oaks pursed his lips.

It turns out the sorcerers of Kamar-Taj were also ascetics with little spare money.

Or maybe the Ancient One was too stingy, clutching onto the sorcerers' pocket money with the reasoning like "money corrupts"?

If they really wanted money, the sorcerers would find a way.

"Hehe... Chairman Oaks, speaking of which, you received an award from the United Nations Environment Programme a few months ago."

Mordo suddenly remembered this and looked at Oaks with a peculiar expression.

"You probably don't even know, do you?"

"Uh... I was grabbed by the Sorcerer Supreme as soon as I returned."

Oaks rubbed his nose.

"What honor?"


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